Individual calculation of compatibility

Calculation of compatibility

Anthony Malik Ashley and Ann Faamoe Siaosi

Anthony Malik Ashley was born in the year of the Pigs. According to the European zodiac - Scorpio. Ann Faamoe Siaosi was born in the year of the Dragon. According to the European zodiac - Taurus. Character compatibility index Scorpio and Taurus is 88%. Chinese zodiac signs compatibility index Dragon and Pigs is 88%. Final compatibility index - 88%.

Compatibility Scorpio and Taurus


Zodiac Compatibility

Compatibility Business Love Marriage Sex Friendship

Compatibility description

Scorpio Taurus Compatibility

Taurus and Scorpio have some similar traits, but more opposites. Their compatibility is possible, but it will be an unstable phenomenon. Signs related to the earth and water elements will be distinguished by purposefulness and seriousness. They both value material independence and earn quite good money. The pessimistic Taurus strives for stability, as it gives him a sense of security and control. Scorpio also needs peace of mind, but doesn't really like change. On this occasion, misunderstandings may arise between the representatives of these signs.

Taurus and Scorpio

Taurus and Scorpio will have to go through trials and get used to each other before they have a serious relationship. On the zodiac circle, the signs are opposite, therefore they are antipodes. There will definitely not be indifference between them, therefore either a strong attraction or a sharp rejection is possible.

Scorpio has a stubborn and arrogant character, therefore, often becomes the initiator of a relationship with Taurus. Full compatibility between the signs is impossible due to their strong stubbornness. If they don't make an effort to tame their own character traits, then nothing will work. At any moment, both Scorpio and Taurus can behave ambiguously and unpredictably. Sometimes a calm representative of the earthly element may seem boring to Scorpio. Taurus is used to demonstrating practicality and scrupulousness, not only in business, but also in relationships. In turn, the sign of water is used to making decisions impulsively and quickly. In such a union, Scorpio and Taurus will give each other a sea of ​​both negative and positive impressions.

Business Compatibility

Scorpio and Taurus have average business compatibility because they have different business behaviors. The earth sign prefers monotonous work and sits for hours on complex tasks using rational thinking. He puts everything on the shelves and disassembles each of the projects to the smallest detail. Representatives of the water element have similar qualities, but, in addition, they can boast of diplomacy, high activity and some arrogance in doing business. In this regard, they are able to achieve greater success in their work. Their tandem will be more successful if Scorpio becomes the leader, and the hardworking Taurus gets the role of a subordinate.

Love compatibility

Due to the different characters, the compatibility of Scorpio and Taurus in love is quite high and interesting. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, and Taurus is ruled by Venus. In such an alliance, partners will never be bored together. They will both give each other tenderness and affection, and compete, swear and passionately put up.

Both signs are proud, so they can endure conflicts, silently turning their backs.

If there are mutual feelings between Taurus and Scorpio, and there is also a desire to be together, the chances of compatibility are high. Scorpio is able to satisfy Taurus's need to be important to a partner and to feel their own importance. Young representatives of these signs are unlikely to be able to overcome their selfishness and build a happy relationship. With age, when people are already wise with experience, the chances of a favorable tandem increase.

Sex compatibility

Taurus and Scorpio are very compatible in sex, since the first sign of the zodiac is considered the most sensual, and the second is the sexiest. In bed, they will definitely not get bored, since there is a strong sexual attraction between lovers. Taurus is ready to have sex for a long time, and Scorpio will do everything in order to bring novelty to the relationship. The couple's closeness is filled with feelings and passion. However, the conservative Taurus may not like some of the partner's bold experiments, since by his nature he is somewhat squeezed and modest. On this basis, quarrels and resentments can arise, especially if it concerns people who have lived together for a long time. In rare cases, a representative of the watermark will go for treason because of this.

Marriage compatibility

If Scorpio and Taurus decide to get married, then there is really strong love between them and a great desire to overcome all difficulties. Both signs take starting a family very seriously. Astrologers, despite the differences between spouses, consider their compatibility to be satisfactory. The relationship in this marriage is built on reliability, consistency, and restraint.

It is quite difficult for spouses to go to reconciliation after family conflicts. Both Scorpio and Taurus are hindered by pride in order to take the first step towards a partner. In youth, a husband and wife may separate at the first family storm. In turn, mature couples who value their union will draw conclusions and reunite.

Friendship compatibility

Friendly compatibility of signs is at a high level. Scorpio is attracted by the caring and kindness of a partner, and Taurus is proud that he has such a strong-minded friend. Next to him, he feels completely safe and as comfortable as possible. This couple has quite an interesting relationship in which they support each other.

Both signs are distinguished by tact, openness and directness, so they will not crawl into the soul without demand.

Compatibility Dragon and Pig


Zodiac Compatibility

Compatibility Business Love Marriage Sex Friendship

Compatibility description

Pig Man and Dragon Woman

Love compatibility

The Pig man perfectly understands how you can please the Dragon woman. He has an impeccable reputation, he knows how to make beautiful gestures and refined compliments. This couple's romance will be passionate, as the lovers immediately lose their heads from each other. Despite the fact that the Pig man tries to avoid careerists and powerful ladies, the Dragon woman will surely conquer him with her inner world and bright appearance. Therefore, the partner feels an extraordinary attraction.

The first problems begin when the emotional outburst passes.

It becomes difficult for a pig to cope with the indomitable temper of its beloved. If the Dragon woman does not intend to underestimate him, then this relationship may subsequently develop into a marriage bond.

Marriage compatibility

If the spouses put up with each other's peculiarities, then they have a fairly high compatibility in marriage. The Dragon woman will appreciate the comfort that her husband will try to create for her. However, she will be annoyed by the lack of ambition in the male Pig and his slowness. If the wife shows wisdom, she will be able to set goals for the faithful and motivate him to achieve success.

The key to the safety of marriage is that the Dragon woman cannot be shown disdain and disrespect for her spouse.

With the advent of children, the atmosphere in the family will become better.

Dragon Pig Compatibility

Sex compatibility

High or low will be compatibility in sex, depends on the Dragon woman. If the partner claims to be a leading position in bed, then she will not allow the Pig man to prove herself. In the case when the partner leads, the woman will receive all the affection and romanticism, and her nights will be unforgettable.

Friendship compatibility

The compatibility of these signs is favorable, since they are drawn to each other, receiving what they lack in life. The Dragon woman adopts the ability to think rationally from her friend, and the Pig man, in turn, learns to achieve goals and overcome obstacles. They are very interested in together, but this couple is unlikely to become best friends.

Business Compatibility

The Dragon Woman is a born leader, so work compatibility will be higher if she takes a leading position. In the case of a joint business, the final word should also remain with her. As a result, the Pig man will sometimes become discouraged that he is not appreciated.

Anthony Malik Ashley - Scorpio and Pig

Scorpios are strong and passionate

Scorpio is a strong sign, but at the same time passive. Communicating with one of his representatives, you will certainly notice this. Scorpio will never betray his indignation, will not pounce on you with fists, but will accumulate resentment, which will then result in poisonous revenge. Withstanding time, Scorpios achieve certain results, that is why they have almost no strong enemies, nevertheless, the circle of ill-wishers is constantly growing.

From the outside, Scorpio seems purposeful, but in truth, only in small things. He will not infringe on himself in something for the sake of unrealizable future prospects.

Scorpio zodiac sign

The attitude of the representative of this sign to the surrounding world develops depending on what he was able to achieve in his life. Unsuccessful Scorpios are often selfish and greedy, and those who are at the top of Olympus do good deeds to a large number of people.

Scorpios are selfish by nature, but philanthropy is not alien to them. Nevertheless, this quality must not only be encouraged, but even cultivated in him due to the fact that he is not capable of it himself.

The bulk of people born under this sign have a bright personality and do not leave anyone indifferent to their person. Throughout their lives, Scorpios face a large number of trials, thanks to which they cultivate ambition and will.

Pig - courage and loyalty

People born in the Pig years are distinguished by courage and the ability to sacrifice themselves. They are honest and conscientious, attentive to those they love, respect, value. The character and disposition of the Pig is really chivalrous, their friends and relatives know this well. Gallantry and helpfulness, the subtlety of the soul and excessive scrupulousness are the pronounced traits of the Pig's nature.

The pig is smart, but almost helpless in the face of cunning and cunning, in front of hypocrisy and flattery, it is often extinguished when it has to make excuses. She is strict and demanding both towards herself and towards others, and rarely makes any compromises. The pig is very naive, believes what is told to her, and always backs up his own words with solid arguments and facts.

Pig zodiac sign

The Pig has a lot of sensitivity in nature, she has a kind soul. She does not like disputes and quarrels, she tries to avoid scandals and confrontations. In family life, she tries to bypass sharp corners, and not to allow lengthy disagreements. You can always trust a pig, but she herself is naive, trusting and defenseless in this. If she is fooled, she takes it without malice. She is equally tolerant of other people's shortcomings. She's a good player, but she's not competitive. He rarely lies, and then only for the purpose of self-defense, self-preservation.

The pig never forgets either its duty or its duties, which it performs honestly and conscientiously. If the Pig has made any decision, no one and nothing will stop her. She is ingenuous, recognizes only straight paths. He puts his soul, strength, and energy into all matters.

The Pig gets along with people with difficulty, although she is loyal and devoted to her few friends, and will never leave them in trouble. Peace-loving Pig values ​​and respects his friends very much, for whom he can make any sacrifices. She never argues with her family and friends. He prefers to give in to them, even pretends to change his views, point of view.

Ann Faamoe Siaosi - Taurus and Dragon

Taurus - loyal and responsible

The main features of the representatives of the sign of Taurus are: serenity, endurance, as well as some passivity. They calmly endure the blows inflicted by fate, but do not retreat from the intended path. No one manages to dissuade them from what is intended. Regularity and calmness when moving through life - this is how Taurus see their existence, trying to avoid disasters and conflicts.

Taurus blindly value everything they have, therefore, even in relation to close people, they show a possessive instinct. People of this sign will be the best friends, but over time they will want to become one of a kind. Taurus are not very talkative, only when they communicate with their closest friends, they can open up, and people around them will almost never be able to hear frivolous remarks and jokes from them.

Taurus zodiac sign

No one will ever argue with Taurus, they will tirelessly insist on their own, trying to ignore the weighty arguments of their interlocutor. If a miracle happens and Taurus wins, he still won't change his mind.

Taurus remain calm under any circumstances, and if there are bouts of rage, you will not envy others, because in anger this sign is truly scary. When it is not possible to maintain composure, their discontent does not tolerate any boundaries, falling, even on those who are close.

Taurus are tireless workers. They will always choose work, instead of rest, dexterous deception, they will prefer honest work, a large-scale event - a family circle, hobbies - love, and empty unnecessary conversations - silence. It is worth noting that Taurus is attached to his home, which is usually located outside the city and is surrounded by a well-groomed, cozy and modest garden.

Dragon - energy and activity

People born in the years of the Dragon have excellent health and a large supply of vitality. They are energetic and active, emotional and decisive, headstrong and wayward. The dragon is a strong-willed, noble and generous person. Striving for perfection makes him very demanding - both to himself and to others. The Dragon has its own negative traits: it is easily excitable, quickly irritated. His stubbornness can reach obstinacy, he is unrestrained in language and proud.

A great enthusiast, the Dragon succeeds in any business he undertakes, is able to inspire, convince and even convince others.

Dragon zodiac sign

They listen to his opinion, reckon with him, since his advice is always informative and useful. If he devotes himself to a big goal, then he goes to it, without deviating from the path. Unfortunately, with the same success, he can go to a bad deed and also become a winner.

Small work, as a rule, Dragons try to shift onto the shoulders of others, although they prefer to reap the fruits themselves. All accusations against themselves Dragons parry very ingeniously, albeit somewhat condescendingly.

Since childhood, dragons have been desperately trying to defend their personal freedom and independence. They may rebel early against parents and other family members if they feel that the discipline against them is unfair or too harsh.

Rating Scorpio

46th President of the United States
1 Place
2 Place
American comedian, actor
3 Place
4 Place
Dominican professional baseball outfielder for the New York Yankees
5 Place
Canadian-American actor
6 Place
American film director
7 Place
8 Place
American actress and producer
9 Place
10 Place
Canadian actor
11 Place
British professional tennis player
12 Place
former world No. 1 tennis player
13 Place
American former footballer
14 Place
Russian professional tennis player
15 Place
Canadian-American comedian
16 Place
Italian professional tennis player
17 Place
Swedish professional golfer
18 Place
English professional wrestler
19 Place
English comedian
20 Place
American businesswoman and inventor
21 Place
83rd governor of Georgia
22 Place
American model
23 Place
American basketball player
24 Place
67th United States Secretary of State
25 Place
Editor-in-Chief of Vogue
26 Place
Indian film producer
27 Place
American television personality
28 Place
South Korean producer and television director
29 Place
Spanish professional golfer
30 Place

Rating Taurus

American comedian
1 Place
Chief Executive Officer of Pershing Square Tontine Holdings
2 Place
American rapper, singer, songwriter
3 Place
American singer, rapper, and flutist
4 Place
American author, journalist, and professor
5 Place
Spanish professional tennis player
6 Place
American singer and actress
7 Place
American country music singer-songwriter
8 Place
Internet entrepreneur and philanthropist, CEO of Facebook
9 Place
British-American comedian
10 Place
American comedian and actress
11 Place
American professional baseball pitcher
12 Place
American professional baseball shortstop for the New York Yankees of Major League Baseball (MLB)
13 Place
French actress
14 Place
American football coach
15 Place
Chairman of Miami Dolphins
16 Place
American professional tennis player
17 Place
American professional golfer
18 Place
English professional golfer
19 Place
Secretary of Department of Commerce
20 Place
13th lieutenant governor of Georgia
21 Place
Spanish actress
22 Place
South Korean actress
23 Place
Indian filmmaker
24 Place
Indian actor
25 Place
American footballer
26 Place
27 Place
American rapper
28 Place
American college basketball coach
29 Place
American actress and singer
30 Place

Rating Dragons

CEO of Tesla
1 Place
2 Place
Vice President
3 Place
American actor and filmmaker
4 Place
American rapper
5 Place
American comedian
6 Place
American actress
7 Place
American professional baseball pitcher for the New York Yankees of Major League Baseball (MLB)
8 Place
American diplomat
9 Place
English actor
10 Place
American professional tennis player
11 Place
American professional wrestler
12 Place
American professional wrestler
13 Place
12th Director of the National Economic Council
14 Place
American actor
15 Place
English comedian
16 Place
American actress
17 Place
Secretary of Department of Commerce
18 Place
American model
19 Place
67th United States Secretary of State
20 Place
English and Albanian singer and songwriter
21 Place
Indian film producer
22 Place
Indian actress
23 Place
Taiwanese actor
24 Place
Bahamian athlete
25 Place
American sports broadcaster
26 Place
American football cornerback for the Dallas Cowboys of the National Football League (NFL)
27 Place
American reality television personality
28 Place
American actor and filmmaker
29 Place
Chairman and CEO
30 Place

Rating Pigs

American comedian
1 Place
Speaker of the United States House of Representatives
2 Place
U.S. representative for Ohio's 4th congressional district
3 Place
English actress
4 Place
American singer, rapper, and flutist
5 Place
American author, journalist, and professor
6 Place
President of Russia
7 Place
Canadian-American actor
8 Place
Industrialist, media proprietor, and investor
9 Place
Russian former professional mixed martial artist
10 Place
American actress and producer
11 Place
Senator from Arizona
12 Place
American football coach
13 Place
Chairman of Miami Dolphins
14 Place
British-Brazilian actor
15 Place
German professional tennis player
16 Place
American retired professional wrestler
17 Place
American singer-songwriter and actress
18 Place
American businesswoman and inventor
19 Place
U.S. representative for New York's 16th congressional district
20 Place
American soccer player
21 Place
American sportscaster
22 Place
American professional golfer
23 Place
Speaker of the Georgia House of Representatives
24 Place
Canadian actor
25 Place
American actor and singer
26 Place
Indian film critic and journalist
27 Place
American television personality and singer
28 Place
American track and field athlete
29 Place
Taiwanese actress
30 Place

Final assessment

Anthony Malik Ashley was born in the year of the Pigs. According to the European zodiac - Scorpio. Ann Faamoe Siaosi was born in the year of the Dragon. According to the European zodiac - Taurus. Character compatibility index Scorpio and Taurus is 88%. Chinese zodiac signs compatibility index Dragon and Pigs is 88%. Final compatibility index - 88%.

Moon calendar

On the twentieth day, the Moon is in the III phase from the full moon to the IV quarter, decreases. Today, be ready to defeat yourself, throw off a heavy burden, get rid of doubts when making an important decision. You are not afraid of obstacles! Take time for your family, reading sacred texts, prayers. Fight your selfishness, arrogance, disgust.

Dreams can come true. Try to dream of someone, thinking about the person in advance. Do not eat food of animal origin or starve. Protect your eyesight. The energy center on the 20th lunar day is the peritoneum and shoulder blades. Symbol: Imperial Eagle with peace in its paws. Stones: pyrite, red jasper.

Moon calendar

Day 20

Today 29 April.
Age of the moon 20.4 Days - decreasing.
Moon at 374418.11 kilometers from the center of the earth.
Earth from the Sun at distance 150716120 kilometers.
Next new moon will be 3:24:19, 8 May 2024.

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Personal horoscope

Sometimes you want to know what the coming day is preparing. Understand who is waiting for our support, and in what area we need help. Fortunately, our readers have such an opportunity. Julie Poe, a numerologist with extensive knowledge, prepares a forecast and generously shares his observations and warnings.
Julie Poe

Leading numerologist, best-selling author
Died this year
Born this year