Individual calculation of compatibility

Calculation of compatibility

Graham and Val

Graham was born in the year of the Rooster. According to the European zodiac - Pisces. Val was born in the year of the Rabbit. According to the European zodiac - Leo. Character compatibility index Pisces and Leo is 68%. Chinese zodiac signs compatibility index Rooster and Rabbit is 40%. Final compatibility index - 54%.

Compatibility Pisces and Leo


Zodiac Compatibility

Compatibility Business Love Marriage Sex Friendship

Compatibility description

Pisces and Leo Compatibility

Pisces and Leo can create a complex but very interesting union. The former are under the auspices of the water element, and the latter are fiery. Those born under the sign of Pisces have a rich inner world, they constantly need support and support. These natures are quite contradictory, they have a lot of creative ideas that are difficult to implement due to doubt and self-doubt. Among the character traits of Leo, there is confidence, courage, generosity.

Leo and Pisces

Love compatibility

Men are rarely predictable, sometimes it is difficult for them to understand their inner world. On the one hand, they are dreamers who fly in the clouds, and on the other, they are compassionate people who are ready to help. People around them often abuse the kindness of such young people. They are tactful, empathetic and delicate. They often have a narrow circle of friends with whom they have developed a trusting relationship.

The creative nature of a man prevents him from fully revealing his potential. If on the way met a tactful and wise person who can motivate a young person, then he will achieve great success. Representatives of this sign have a developed intuition. They immediately feel if a girl is right for him or not.

A woman is characterized by imperiousness, success, confidence, striving for leadership. These ladies are proud and have aristocratic manners. They can quickly conquer others with their developed intelligence and bright appearance.

The compatibility of Leo and Pisces immediately after meeting is very high. As the representatives of these signs begin to recognize each other, problems will appear. Inconsistencies are manifested in them literally in everything. A lady will have to make a lot of efforts to maintain a relationship with a man.

Pisces and Leo cannot agree on solving everyday problems. The woman does not correspond to the ideal image of the hostess, which is in the head of the man. At the same time, there is no chance that over time the lady will change her attitude towards this issue. The man will have to put up with the fact that the woman does not want to do household chores.

The representative of the stronger sex will provide the tandem, present expensive gifts to the chosen one. A woman will happily devote herself to raising children. Often she has to wait a long time for her husband from work, since he is passionate about building a career. Disagreements arise from the fact that a man spends a lot of time with friends, and not at home.

Marriage compatibility

The family union of representatives of these zodiac signs depends on a number of parameters. First of all, we are talking about the age of those entering into marriage. In addition, the duration of the union will also be influenced by what the spouses give priority in their relationship - family or personal desires. Often marriages between Pisces and Leos are quite strong, but there are cases when the family crumbles like sand. Marriage is more likely to be successful if older people marry.

Sex compatibility

In bed, the chosen ones have similar priorities.

The spouses are ready to open up to each other as quickly as possible, trying to achieve the greatest possible compatibility.

The intimate process can be spoiled only by selfishness, sometimes manifested by a man, because he believes that the chosen one must obey him in bed in everything.

Friendship compatibility

Friendly alliances between representatives of these constellations are often short-lived and shaky, because partners have very few points of contact. Such a friendship rarely arises, and if it has happened, then for especially weighty reasons. Most often, benefit acts as a connecting link in these relationships. Real strong friendly alliances can arise in this case only between relatives.

Business Compatibility

In business, in such an alliance, success is possible only if it is a man who acts as a leader, because he is a sociable person, able to choose the right approaches to clients, and is very well versed in financial matters. A woman in such a tandem should become a kind of muse, inspiring him to great deeds. If she acts as a leader, such a business will not be able to succeed.

Compatibility Rooster and Rabbit


Zodiac Compatibility

Compatibility Business Love Marriage Sex Friendship

Compatibility description

Rabbit man and Rooster woman

Love compatibility

The compatibility of a Rabbit man and a Rooster woman in love is quite high at the initial stage of a relationship. Initially, the chosen ones experience great happiness from spending time together and receiving new emotions. The rabbit really likes the energy of the chosen one and her ambition. As for the lady, she is attracted by the calmness and prudence of the second half.

The compatibility indicator of the Rooster-woman and the Rabbit-man falls due to the selfishness of the first. The thing is that the lady is too focused on herself. Often she does not even try to get to know her lover better.

In a pair, the Rooster will always fight for the role of a leader. She wants her opinion to be taken into account in the discussion of any issue. The rabbit, in turn, also does not want to be in the second position, therefore, it ignores the attacks of the second half.

Marriage compatibility

The compatibility of the Rooster woman and the Rabbit man in marriage is not high. Both have different ideas about family life and everyday life. The rabbit likes calmness and measuredness, and haste and being in the spotlight are important for the chosen one.

The Rooster Woman is always on edge, because her work schedule is very busy. She demands that family members also live according to a certain regime and follow all her instructions. Children are able to endure the difficult nature of the mother, and sooner or later the patience of the spouse comes to an end. The chicken doesn't like housekeeping. She is used to using the services of a housekeeper and a nanny.

Partners are not just different, they cause discomfort to each other. By nature, the Rabbit is calm, hardworking, loves family comfort. He dreams that his wife will always be with him, stop working. The chicken constantly goes out and calls her husband to this or that party.

If everyone learns to yield to each other, then the relationship will improve.

The ideal option is when the Rooster woman does not work and is busy with the house, and the spouse decides all material issues.

Rooster and Rabbit compatibility

Sex compatibility

The sexual compatibility of male Rabbit and female Rooster is below average. Physically, the chosen ones can give each other pleasure, but they receive less emotions. The woman always urges the slow Rabbit, tries to force him to go on bold experiments. A man is not always ready to adequately perceive such proposals, therefore he opposes them. The rabbit hopes to get more warmth from the sexual partner, but the lady does not see any point in this.

In a pair of Rabbit + Rooster, there are often betrayals, they are initiated by a woman. She is constantly looking for new sensations, including in bed.

Friendship compatibility

The compatibility of a Rabbit man and a Rooster woman in friendship is lower than in love and sex. Representatives of two signs have nothing in common, they have no common interests and topics for communication. If the Rooster and Rabbit are in the same company, then there is no close contact between them. The egocentrism of a man is unpleasant for a woman.

Business Compatibility

The business compatibility of a Rooster woman and a Rabbit man is below average. Representatives of the stronger sex in such a tandem strive for stability and diplomacy. They are fearful of risk and often act according to their own plans. At the same time, Rabbits achieve a lot.

The Rooster Woman can be rude, impetuous and imprudent. She always strives for something new, so she often makes mistakes.

Graham - Pisces and Rooster

Fish - go with the flow

People born under the sign of Pisces are mostly passive, devoid of perseverance, purposefulness and unstable. They are not able to withstand the circumstances, they are constantly hovering in dreams, believing that everything will be resolved by itself, therefore they are not particularly worried about trifles.

Fish are extremely balanced. Vivid emotions that appear sometimes go unnoticed by others. Pisces are endowed with the ability to maintain themselves in a state of rest, not allowing secret experiences to take them out of the zone of mental comfort. Pisces make even the smallest decisions for a long time. All due to the fact that it is simply difficult for them to concentrate on one thing, and not because they think about the situation for a long time. Representatives of this sign rely entirely on intuition and believe in fate.

Pisces sign

Such traits as vanity and commercialism are absolutely alien to Pisces. They would rather help other people than take care of their own well-being. From Pisces, you can quickly get words of consolation and sympathy, rather than real actions, however, they with great professionalism will force you to provide all possible help to those who need it.

Pisces stay away from conflict and rivalry, moving away at the moment when the situation turns from peaceful to extremely dangerous. They easily accept patronage, providing an opportunity to patronize themselves, and not get sympathy, resorting to flattery.

Pisces are endowed with unusual intelligence. Their ideas about the world around them can be controversial, and their reasoning seems bizarre to others. Among the representatives of this sign there are a large number of losers, but you can also find those who, in spite of everything, achieve happiness and harmony with themselves.

Rooster - victories and achievements

People born in the years of the Rooster are distinguished by straightforwardness and aggressiveness. They are harsh, not shy either in expressions or in actions. What they think is what they say, what is on their mind is also in their language. Yet their frankness and eccentricity is only an appearance.

The real nature of Roosters is much more complicated. Their character combines conceit and sarcasm, whims and quirks, inner tension and exorbitant sensitivity, innate charm and modesty, a good understanding of other people and attention to their needs, the ability and desire to subdue them to their will through suggestion, persuasion. The life of the Petukhovs is designed only for victories and accomplishments, having made any decision, they no longer retreat from it, pursuing their goal to the victorious end.

Rooster zodiac sign

The Petukhovs have almost no diplomacy. With their manners and behavior, they often shock both their close friends and those around them. Often the Rooster neglects the norms and generally accepted rules of a given society, but this is just bravado, under which the true state of his soul and inner world is hidden. His ingenuousness, childish naivety and gullibility make it very easy to deceive him.

The rooster loves to be noticed and singled out so that it is in the spotlight. If you assent to him, he will be pleased and happy, even knowing this flaw in himself and laughing at him. True, this often leads the Rooster to an overestimation of his own personality - to arrogance and excessive self-confidence, which further enhances his selfish tendencies.

He is not from a timid dozen, he can be brave, courageous, brave, capable of even very risky things - but only when it is really necessary. He can even take mortal risks with a smile on his lips. That is why Roosters are considered good warriors.

Val - Leo and Rabbit

Lion is the king of the animals

Leo is classified as an active sign. This is noticeable in the nature of the people born under it. All of them, in most cases, are extroverts, rotating in the center of the life of society and themselves setting it in motion. Lviv is always drawn to strong personalities. Nevertheless, the care of the weak is nothing more than the desire to endow them with a hundredth of your incredible energy.

If events turn out in a favorable way for Leo, his strength will increase significantly, and if fate does not favor the "king of beasts", then he will turn into a capricious, fierce and absolutely inactive person.

Leo zodiac sign

Looking from a different position, finding himself in a situation that requires an immediate reaction, Leo loses a sense of fear, thanks to which he moves forward where it is better to show at least the slightest caution or just cheat. The gift of Lions lies in the fact that it is not they who win people over to themselves, but people themselves are drawn to them. Even despite their often complex nature ... Leos may not do absolutely anything, and friends will appear on their own.

Leos are endowed with a strong will. Their decisions do not depend on anyone, but they consider it their duty to influence the behavior of others, because they are convinced that they are infallible and right.

Extraordinary self-control usually compensates for the excessive emotionality of the representatives of the Leo sign, which is based on a complete unwillingness to show their true emotions in any way to those who, in their opinion, are not worthy to see them.

Rabbit - charm and kindness

The rabbit is usually cautious, judicious and restrained. People born in the Year of the Rabbit want to live in peace and comfort and protect their peaceful life. Rabbits are extremely gentle creatures - they symbolize charm and kindness. Rabbits exhibit good manners and enjoy beauty. They dislike controversy and hate power struggles.

However, what rabbits lose in their ambition, they make up for in the development of their mind. Rabbits are experts at finding their targets peacefully and effortlessly. Other rabbits are tolerant and open-minded because they understand their hidden intentions. People trust them because rabbits have a certain aura of pacification, they make a peaceful impression. At the same time, under their seeming sociability, there is a huge shyness, which is the result of a natural tendency to keep a distance.

Zodiac Sign Rabbit

Rabbits are quite easily influenced by others and are more sensitive than it might seem at first glance. They love their family, home and their love life; all this gives them a sense of security. They do not like to talk too often about their personal life, as they consider it a personal matter.

Rabbits are only interested in advancing their careers if it makes their life more comfortable. They are good businessmen and can sense deals and can take advantage of good opportunities.

Unfortunately, another important trait of a rabbit is insincerity. Rabbits can pretend to be angry or lie about something when they need to know the truth. They can skillfully manipulate others to get their way. In love, they are stable, gentle, sensitive, romantic and loyal. As in their social life, they do not seek adventure or passion in love.

Rating Pisces

Senior United States senator from Oklahoma
1 Place
American rapper
2 Place
American comedian
3 Place
American actor
4 Place
American actress
5 Place
American college basketball player
6 Place
American football coach
7 Place
American physician
8 Place
American professional tennis player
9 Place
American professional wrestler
10 Place
American commentator
11 Place
Prime minister of Australia
12 Place
American professional wrestler
13 Place
Australian actress
14 Place
United States Senate majority leader
15 Place
American professional basketball player of the National Basketball Association (NBA)
16 Place
Chairman and CEO
17 Place
British motorsport designer and engineer
18 Place
American sports commentator
19 Place
American actress and painter
20 Place
American political consultant
21 Place
American actor
22 Place
Russian-American professional basketball coach
23 Place
American actor and singer
24 Place
South Korean actor
25 Place
Indian film critic and journalist
26 Place
Mayor of Jersey City, New Jersey
27 Place
American professional golfer
28 Place
American track and field sprinter
29 Place
American football wide receiver
30 Place

Rating Leo

English actor
1 Place
Co-founder of Strive Asset Management
2 Place
30th president of Harvard University
3 Place
American actor and filmmaker
4 Place
42nd President of the United States
5 Place
Swiss former professional tennis player
6 Place
American politician
7 Place
Italian professional tennis player
8 Place
American actor and filmmaker
9 Place
Chairman of Federal Reserve Board
10 Place
44th President of the United States
11 Place
Сhief executive officer of Microsoft
12 Place
American filmmaker
13 Place
American actress
14 Place
American UFC color commentator
15 Place
British professional tennis player
16 Place
12th Director of the National Economic Council
17 Place
American professional wrestler
18 Place
Junior United States senator from Pennsylvania
19 Place
Junior United States senator from Connecticut
20 Place
American professional basketball player of the National Basketball Association (NBA)
21 Place
American soccer player
22 Place
American former professional basketball player
23 Place
American politician
24 Place
American professional basketball player
25 Place
English and Albanian singer and songwriter
26 Place
Indian film director
27 Place
American football wide receiver
28 Place
Taiwanese actress
29 Place
American football quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys of the National Football League (NFL)
30 Place

Rating Roosters

American comedian, actor
1 Place
American politician
2 Place
Swiss former professional tennis player
3 Place
African professional golfer
4 Place
American singer, songwriter, and actor
5 Place
American actress
6 Place
American comedian
7 Place
American actor
8 Place
Senior United States senator from Iowa
9 Place
Chief Executive Officer of Boeing
10 Place
Chief executive officer of United Parcel Service (UPS)
11 Place
12 Place
American former professional American football player
13 Place
American actor
14 Place
Canadian-American comedian
15 Place
Italian professional tennis player
16 Place
American professional golfer
17 Place
Junior United States senator from Pennsylvania
18 Place
Golf broadcaster
19 Place
Co-founder of the company Klarna
20 Place
American professional golfer
21 Place
English retired professional golfer and television commentator
22 Place
American professional basketball player of the National Basketball Association (NBA)
23 Place
American former professional basketball player
24 Place
Vietnamese footballer
25 Place
Irish musician
26 Place
American television presenter
27 Place
German fashion designer
28 Place
American basketball player
29 Place
Indian actor
30 Place

Rating Rabbits

Chief Executive Officer of The Walt Disney
1 Place
Ghanaian-British actress
2 Place
American professional golfer
3 Place
4 Place
Chilean and American actor
5 Place
Brazilian professional mixed martial artist
6 Place
Serbian professional tennis player
7 Place
American professional baseball pitcher
8 Place
English actor
9 Place
Swedish professional golfer
10 Place
Prime minister of Australia
11 Place
Junior United States senator from Kentucky
12 Place
Czech billionaire businessman
13 Place
Chairman of Tesla
14 Place
U.S. representative for Wisconsin's 1st congressional district
15 Place
83rd governor of Georgia
16 Place
English actor and musician
17 Place
American rapper
18 Place
Music executive
19 Place
South Korean producer and television director
20 Place
American football coach
21 Place
American football quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers of the National Football League (NFL)
22 Place
American footballer
23 Place
American footballer
24 Place
American footballer
25 Place
American footballer
26 Place
27 Place
Former professional baseball pitcher
28 Place
American footballer
29 Place
American private equity investor
30 Place

Final assessment

Graham was born in the year of the Rooster. According to the European zodiac - Pisces. Val was born in the year of the Rabbit. According to the European zodiac - Leo. Character compatibility index Pisces and Leo is 68%. Chinese zodiac signs compatibility index Rooster and Rabbit is 40%. Final compatibility index - 54%.

Moon calendar

On the twentieth day, the Moon is in the III phase from the full moon to the IV quarter, decreases. Today, be ready to defeat yourself, throw off a heavy burden, get rid of doubts when making an important decision. You are not afraid of obstacles! Take time for your family, reading sacred texts, prayers. Fight your selfishness, arrogance, disgust.

Dreams can come true. Try to dream of someone, thinking about the person in advance. Do not eat food of animal origin or starve. Protect your eyesight. The energy center on the 20th lunar day is the peritoneum and shoulder blades. Symbol: Imperial Eagle with peace in its paws. Stones: pyrite, red jasper.

Moon calendar

Day 20

Today 30 April.
Age of the moon 20.5 Days - decreasing.
Moon at 374278.27 kilometers from the center of the earth.
Earth from the Sun at distance 150717366 kilometers.
Next new moon will be 3:24:19, 8 May 2024.

Horoscope by zodiac sign
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Personal horoscope

Sometimes you want to know what the coming day is preparing. Understand who is waiting for our support, and in what area we need help. Fortunately, our readers have such an opportunity. Julie Poe, a numerologist with extensive knowledge, prepares a forecast and generously shares his observations and warnings.
Julie Poe

Leading numerologist, best-selling author
Died this year
Born this year