- 1. Sagittarius Cancer Compatibility
- 1.1. Business Compatibility
- 1.2. Love compatibility
- 1.3. Sex compatibility
- 1.4. Marriage compatibility
- 1.5. Friendship compatibility
- 2. Sagittarius man and Cancer woman
- 2.1. Love compatibility
- 2.2. Marriage compatibility
- 2.3. Sex compatibility
- 2.4. Friendship compatibility
- 2.5. Business Compatibility
- 3. Cancer man and Sagittarius woman
- 3.1. Love compatibility
- 3.2. Marriage compatibility
- 3.3. Sex compatibility
- 3.4. Friendship compatibility
- 3.5. Business Compatibility
Sagittarius and Cancer
Zodiac Compatibility
Compatibility | Business | Love | Marriage | Sex | Friendship |
60% |
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Compatibility description
Sagittarius Cancer Compatibility
These signs are very different in outlook, character and temperament. Sagittarius and Cancer refer to the elements of fire and water, which are considered opposite in the world of astrology. Each of them can be devastating. Sagittarius values freedom most of all in life, he is passionate, inquisitive, charismatic and bright. Cancer is distinguished by a subtle mental organization, perseverance, external calmness and distrust.
Sagittarius and Cancer
Representatives of these signs look at the world in completely different ways. The Sagittarius is in constant motion and is an optimist who is not used to dwelling on current problems. For Cancer, the opposite happens, since it is important for him to be calm and stable. He is prone to melancholy and detachment from the world and its injustice. Both signs differ in that they periodically fall into a fantasy world and have a philosophical mindset. Sagittarius avoids any attachments, and his partner, on the contrary, seeks to protect a stronger sign. It will give him a sense of safety and security.
Astrologers have not clearly formed their opinion about the compatibility of Sagittarius and Cancer. Relationships between them are possible, but likely to be tense and complex. It may often seem that a representative of the fire element is stronger than a partner, but the sign of the Moon still covertly dominates. He uses his ability to manipulate the emotions and feelings of the other half. This is due to the ambition and openness of Sagittarius. It is easy to play on such personal qualities, subjugating a person. Therefore, Sagittarius often feels obligated to Cancer.
Business Compatibility
The business compatibility of this pair is at a rather low level. Sagittarius and Cancer have completely different approaches to work and different rhythms of activities. The first sign does everything quickly and makes mistakes that he is not able to admit. The work may be superficial and tend to dominate and criticize a partner. Cancer, on the contrary, is very slow, as it loves to delve into the essence of the matter. Sometimes he is able to hover in the clouds, falling out of reality.
Love compatibility
Cancer and Sagittarius compatibility in love is average. The water sign is delighted with the openness and optimism of the partner, and the representative of the fire element is attracted by the good nature and sentimentality of the beloved. Sagittarius is prone to superficial relationships, therefore, having received the necessary emotions, they may simply disappear. However, the ward of the Moon is distinguished by good intuition, so he will feel which strings need to be pulled in order to hold Sagittarius. Cancer, strongly attached to the other half, is able to skillfully manipulate and get what they want. If he takes up Sagittarius, then he will not let him go so easily.
In a relationship, a representative of the fire element avoids responsibility and strives for freedom, and the water element is aimed at creating a family. He strives for a stronger partner who can protect and comfort when needed.
Trust and emotional closeness between this couple are hardly possible, since their aspirations do not coincide at all.
Sex compatibility
According to the astrological forecast, this couple's sex compatibility is unstable. At the beginning of the relationship, Sagittarius and Cancer are overwhelmed by passion, so they suit each other in bed. However, with the development of the novel, partners understand that they have completely different expectations from an intimate life. Sagittarius is inventive and active by nature, therefore prefers passionate pleasures. Cancer, who is in love, tries to please him, although in fact he prefers more sensual and gentle caresses. In order to keep the couple, the signs need to decide on a frank dialogue. They should speak out about their own desires and, most importantly, go to meet each other in bed.
Marriage compatibility
The horoscope suggests that it is very difficult to achieve good compatibility in marriage for Sagittarius and Cancer. The couple have a lot of work to do on their rather fragile relationship. However, the results will be provided that both partners are interested in it. According to statistics, most Sagittarius + Cancer tandems disintegrate because they could not get used to each other.
The ward of water is a single sign for which self-realization in society is important. Cancer seeks to impose responsibility and mutual obligations on him, which Sagittarius does not like. In marriage, he tries to control his spouse, showing excessive obsession and jealousy. The sign of fire will remain in a relationship if he has deep feelings for a partner, or if he promotes his ingenious ideas.
Friendship compatibility
The friendly compatibility of this pair can be beneficial. The sign of water is delighted with the ambitions and optimism of his fiery friend, since it is precisely these qualities that he himself lacks in character. Sagittarius loves Cancer's softness and sensitivity, because he can trust a friend with any secrets.
The main thing for this couple is to find common interests, which will only strengthen their friendly tandem.
Sagittarius man and Cancer woman
Love compatibility
It is impossible to tie a Sagittarius man to yourself, and a Cancer woman constantly tries to do this. She is aimed at a stable marriage, and her chosen one does not like when his hands are tied. It is very difficult for such a couple to live together without prejudice to themselves. They can agree only in the case of true and sincere love.
Marriage compatibility
In order for this couple to be in the registry office, the Cancer woman will have to make a lot of effort. The Sagittarius man is categorical on this issue and does not want to tie the knot. If this does happen, the partner will constantly doubt the desire of the chosen one to build family relationships.
Sagittarius Cancer Compatibility
Sex compatibility
A Sagittarius man needs freedom of expression in sex, and a Cancer woman needs strength and tenderness at the same time. Such a couple is unlikely to be able to complement each other in bed. The partner tries to please her lover, but she herself remains dissatisfied with the quality of her sex life.
Friendship compatibility
This couple is capable of being friends. The Sagittarius man will be as comfortable as possible in this free relationship. He is ready to travel and have fun with a Cancer woman, but she will not always appreciate it. When she needs to unwind, the choice will certainly fall on such a friend. Their friendly tandem promises to be impulsive and fickle.
Business Compatibility
This tandem is able to work productively together. The Sagittarius man will generate ideas, and his partner will carefully and painstakingly bring them to life. A representative of the fire element will be able to “ignite” even such a slow and thoughtful colleague. The Cancer woman needs a person who is able to recharge her with energy.
Cancer man and Sagittarius woman
Love compatibility
The Sagittarius woman sees next to her an equal partner, ready to share her hobbies and worldview. In turn, the Cancer man needs a soul mate who can pull him along. Representatives of these signs will have to compromise. She will please her lover if she shows more severity and initiative. The partner will have to adjust in these relationships, since there is practically no chance that the Cancer man will change.
Marriage compatibility
A Sagittarius spouse is able to inspire her husband to achieve. She will come to terms with his periods of lack of will and will become a good life companion for him. For a Cancer man, this marriage is somewhat relaxing. Despite this, a favorable atmosphere reigns in their home, which they can maintain for many years.
Sagittarius Cancer Compatibility
Sex compatibility
Despite the different sexual temperaments, the signs are able to perfectly complement each other. The Sagittarius woman energizes her partner, and the Cancer man allows her to completely relax and be immersed in her own emotions.
Friendship compatibility
The friendship of this couple is built on the unwillingness of the Cancer man to break off emotional old ties. He does not easily part with old friends, as he quickly becomes attached. The Sagittarius woman will charge their friendship with optimism and feel needed and useful in this pair. More often in difficult situations, a partner will come to the rescue than a representative of a fire sign.
Business Compatibility
If these signs work together, then the general direction of activity should be chosen by the Sagittarius woman. In turn, the Cancer man will carefully explore all the unknown and go step by step towards the goals outlined by his business partner. With this distribution of roles, the success of this workers' union is inevitable.