Individual calculation of compatibility

Calculation of compatibility

C and N

C was born in the year of the Dragon. According to the European zodiac - Taurus. N was born in the year of the Rabbit. According to the European zodiac - Aries. Character compatibility index Taurus and Aries is 80%. Chinese zodiac signs compatibility index Dragon and Rabbit is 88%. Final compatibility index - 84%.

Compatibility Taurus and Aries


Zodiac Compatibility

Compatibility Business Love Marriage Sex Friendship

Compatibility description

Aries and Taurus Compatibility

Aries and Taurus compatibility is not high. Today, most couples are unable to maintain a relationship. Aries is a difficult zodiac sign: such people have many contradictions and are complex in nature. Taurus appreciates their own space, often for the chosen one he remains a mystery.

Taurus and Aries

Love compatibility

Aries and Taurus compatibility can be high if the couple has sincere feelings for each other. In this case, the similarity of characters plays into the hands of both partners. The lady receives a reliable defender in the person of the chosen one. Men are energetic, determined and strong. With them, girls feel calm. In return, they provide the lovers with a reliable rear. If Aries and Taurus manage to reach mutual understanding, then their relationship will become almost perfect.

Marriage compatibility

This compatibility is considered ambiguous. On the one hand, it is good for lovers to be with each other, but on the other hand, after marriage, their shortcomings appear more pronounced than during the period of the novel. Life changes a lot in the relationship of the newlyweds, and it will take patience and time so that the spouses can get used to each other and forgive mutual weaknesses and character flaws.

Sex compatibility

This compatibility is rated below average, because the couple perceives the intimate process differently. Due to the fact that a woman is often in the lead in sex, and a man is more passive, over time this begins to displease both.

If the spouses value each other and truly love each other, then they will be able to find compromises.

Friendship compatibility

True friendship between representatives of this zodiacal combination is rare. More often than not, it is just a friendship. They can develop into friendship if Taurus and Aries find common interests or hobbies.

Business Compatibility

Representatives of these zodiac signs are ideal business partners with a very clear delineation of responsibilities. Often it is the woman who offers ideas for a joint business, and the man calculates how many resources will be needed to implement a colleague's idea.

Compatibility Dragon and Rabbit


Zodiac Compatibility

Compatibility Business Love Marriage Sex Friendship

Compatibility description

Rabbit Man and Dragon Woman

Love compatibility

The love compatibility of this couple is ambiguous, since it all depends on what impression the Dragon woman will make on the Rabbit man. He can be frightened off by the excessive expressiveness and emotionality of this lady. Otherwise, the partner will be fascinated by her gracefulness, love of freedom and independence.

If a romance began between a Rabbit man and a Dragon woman, then the relationship will certainly be emotional and colorful. The partner will make her chosen one more active and mobile, and he, in turn, will teach her beloved restraint. At the same time, the pair will always have a competitive moment, since the Rabbit man is not ready to give the Dragon woman leadership.

Marriage compatibility

For such a family, the best option would be a guest marriage, when each of the partners does what he wants. In these relationships, the most difficult thing will be for the Rabbit man, since he is looking for a reliable rear and will return his wife, who will lead the household and meet him with a smile from work. A Dragon woman in this sense is difficult to remake, so the spouse must decide whether they are ready to endure a different model of relationships for the sake of love. The Rabbit man will have to take on almost all household chores.

Marital compatibility of this couple is not high, but in this union the partners will be able to become stronger and achieve a lot together. The Dragon woman boasts energy, determination and wonderful connections, while the Rabbit man has the perseverance and discretion that she lacks so much. In this union, a woman can generate we go, and a husband can bring them to life.

Dragon Rabbit Compatibility

Sex compatibility

The Chinese horoscope suggests that the Dragon and the Rabbit have high sexual compatibility. Both partners are insatiable and passionate lovers who enjoy variety in their intimate life. They give each other sensual pleasure in bed, and the desire for intimacy can overtake them at any moment. In addition, both are delighted with romantic sex and are ready to retire even in the most unforeseen situations. The dragon perfectly understands the preferences of the partner, so it often surprises him. He helps to liberate the Rabbit and sets a confidential tone in a love relationship. Their ideal compatibility in bed is explained by the combination of masculine and feminine principles, but physical intimacy cannot compensate for the situation if there is a spiritual mismatch of lovers.

Friendship compatibility

In friendly relations, the Dragon and Rabbit can perfectly complement each other's missing character traits. It is easy for them to get along because of common topics of conversation or a common hobby. Rabbits are distinguished by their natural artistry and are happy to take part in various sports activities, sing or dance. However, due to excessive modesty, they can independently deprive themselves of these pleasures. Dragons are attracted by the same activities, but due to excessive pride and arrogance, they have no company. Therefore, when they find each other, joint hobbies turn them into loyal and reliable friends.

Business Compatibility

From this pair of signs of the Chinese horoscope, a fruitful tandem can turn out. Their compatibility is based on common professional goals. Rabbits are able to give competent advice, ideally calculate all possible options and warn a colleague against rash risks. Dragons can be talented negotiators and organizers, but they don't want to be involved in spending planning and summarizing. Business compatibility of these signs is high if it is to conduct a joint business. At the same time, it will be possible to achieve higher results if the Dragon takes the leading positions.

C - Taurus and Dragon

Taurus - loyal and responsible

The main features of the representatives of the sign of Taurus are: serenity, endurance, as well as some passivity. They calmly endure the blows inflicted by fate, but do not retreat from the intended path. No one manages to dissuade them from what is intended. Regularity and calmness when moving through life - this is how Taurus see their existence, trying to avoid disasters and conflicts.

Taurus blindly value everything they have, therefore, even in relation to close people, they show a possessive instinct. People of this sign will be the best friends, but over time they will want to become one of a kind. Taurus are not very talkative, only when they communicate with their closest friends, they can open up, and people around them will almost never be able to hear frivolous remarks and jokes from them.

Taurus zodiac sign

No one will ever argue with Taurus, they will tirelessly insist on their own, trying to ignore the weighty arguments of their interlocutor. If a miracle happens and Taurus wins, he still won't change his mind.

Taurus remain calm under any circumstances, and if there are bouts of rage, you will not envy others, because in anger this sign is truly scary. When it is not possible to maintain composure, their discontent does not tolerate any boundaries, falling, even on those who are close.

Taurus are tireless workers. They will always choose work, instead of rest, dexterous deception, they will prefer honest work, a large-scale event - a family circle, hobbies - love, and empty unnecessary conversations - silence. It is worth noting that Taurus is attached to his home, which is usually located outside the city and is surrounded by a well-groomed, cozy and modest garden.

Dragon - energy and activity

People born in the years of the Dragon have excellent health and a large supply of vitality. They are energetic and active, emotional and decisive, headstrong and wayward. The dragon is a strong-willed, noble and generous person. Striving for perfection makes him very demanding - both to himself and to others. The Dragon has its own negative traits: it is easily excitable, quickly irritated. His stubbornness can reach obstinacy, he is unrestrained in language and proud.

A great enthusiast, the Dragon succeeds in any business he undertakes, is able to inspire, convince and even convince others.

Dragon zodiac sign

They listen to his opinion, reckon with him, since his advice is always informative and useful. If he devotes himself to a big goal, then he goes to it, without deviating from the path. Unfortunately, with the same success, he can go to a bad deed and also become a winner.

Small work, as a rule, Dragons try to shift onto the shoulders of others, although they prefer to reap the fruits themselves. All accusations against themselves Dragons parry very ingeniously, albeit somewhat condescendingly.

Since childhood, dragons have been desperately trying to defend their personal freedom and independence. They may rebel early against parents and other family members if they feel that the discipline against them is unfair or too harsh.

N - Aries and Rabbit

Aries - Confidence and Perseverance

The Aries sign is active, and even masculine. These people have such character traits that do not allow them to withdraw, withdraw into themselves and stay away from the current life. Aries are always open to the world around them, and they are also one hundred percent sure that there is nothing easier than changing it, as soon as they want it, so they spare no money or effort to implement their plans.

Those born according to this sign are capable of experiencing emotions throughout their lives that they do not even try to hide. Their actions and feelings are distinguished by inconstancy, and an unpleasant aftertaste after expressed anger or rage never remains on the soul. When leaving the house in the morning, a great mood instantly changes to a bad one, and completely imperceptibly.

Aries zodiac sign

Aries are extroverts, but they do not overload themselves with the problems of the people around them. The whole world for them is just a background against which the representatives of the sign always look brilliant and stand out from others. Do not be surprised at this fact, since Aries do not understand people at all due to the fact that they are busy only with themselves, and this often leads to the fact that they become victims of sophisticated manipulations.

Aries' confidence and perseverance does not allow them to include logic in life situations, although sometimes they use their extremely developed intuition.

Aries is known to open the zodiac horoscope thanks to the vernal equinox. It was then that all the signs were assigned unique names of modernity, when it was in this constellation. People who are lucky enough to be born under this sign are endowed with determination and incredible strength, helping them to move forward even when everything is not going as they would like.

Rabbit - charm and kindness

The rabbit is usually cautious, judicious and restrained. People born in the Year of the Rabbit want to live in peace and comfort and protect their peaceful life. Rabbits are extremely gentle creatures - they symbolize charm and kindness. Rabbits exhibit good manners and enjoy beauty. They dislike controversy and hate power struggles.

However, what rabbits lose in their ambition, they make up for in the development of their mind. Rabbits are experts at finding their targets peacefully and effortlessly. Other rabbits are tolerant and open-minded because they understand their hidden intentions. People trust them because rabbits have a certain aura of pacification, they make a peaceful impression. At the same time, under their seeming sociability, there is a huge shyness, which is the result of a natural tendency to keep a distance.

Zodiac Sign Rabbit

Rabbits are quite easily influenced by others and are more sensitive than it might seem at first glance. They love their family, home and their love life; all this gives them a sense of security. They do not like to talk too often about their personal life, as they consider it a personal matter.

Rabbits are only interested in advancing their careers if it makes their life more comfortable. They are good businessmen and can sense deals and can take advantage of good opportunities.

Unfortunately, another important trait of a rabbit is insincerity. Rabbits can pretend to be angry or lie about something when they need to know the truth. They can skillfully manipulate others to get their way. In love, they are stable, gentle, sensitive, romantic and loyal. As in their social life, they do not seek adventure or passion in love.

Rating Taurus

American comedian
1 Place
Chief Executive Officer of Pershing Square Tontine Holdings
2 Place
American singer and actress
3 Place
American singer, rapper, and flutist
4 Place
Egyptian tennis player
5 Place
English-American actress
6 Place
Belarusian professional tennis player
7 Place
American actor
8 Place
American internet entrepreneur and investor
9 Place
New Zealand actress
10 Place
United States deputy secretary of the treasury
11 Place
Member of the California State Senate
12 Place
American rapper, singer, songwriter
13 Place
American comedian and actress
14 Place
American professional baseball shortstop for the New York Yankees of Major League Baseball (MLB)
15 Place
United States Senator from Arkansas
16 Place
Chairman of Miami Dolphins
17 Place
American professional tennis player
18 Place
Co-founder and CEO of cybersecurity company CrowdStrike
19 Place
American actress and film producer
20 Place
South Korean actress
21 Place
Indian filmmaker
22 Place
Indian actor
23 Place
American professional baseballer
24 Place
25 Place
Ukrainian professional tennis player
26 Place
American rapper
27 Place
American college basketball coach
28 Place
American actress and singer
29 Place
English former professional footballer
30 Place

Rating Aries

Speaker of the United States House of Representatives
1 Place
Chilean and American actor
2 Place
Chief Executive Officer of Boeing
3 Place
English actress
4 Place
American actor
5 Place
American film director
6 Place
American actress
7 Place
American comedian
8 Place
American men's college basketball coach
9 Place
American television news program host
10 Place
American actress
11 Place
American college basketball player
12 Place
English musician
13 Place
Dominican professional baseball pitcher for the New York Yankees of Major League Baseball (MLB)
14 Place
English actor
15 Place
Portuguese tennis player
16 Place
American actor
17 Place
American actress
18 Place
American actor
19 Place
English former professional footballer
20 Place
American actor
21 Place
American actor and singer
22 Place
American actor
23 Place
Mayor of Newark, New Jersey
24 Place
Venezuelan professional baseballer
25 Place
Japanese actor
26 Place
American-born Irish actress
27 Place
Founder of National Amusements, Inc.
28 Place
American professional golfer
29 Place
Shadow Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
30 Place

Rating Dragons

Vice President–elect of the United States
1 Place
American comedian
2 Place
Speaker of the United States House of Representatives
3 Place
English actress
4 Place
American singer, rapper, and flutist
5 Place
President of Russia
6 Place
Canadian-American actor
7 Place
American professional basketball player
8 Place
National Security Advisor to the Vice President of the United States
9 Place
Industrialist, media proprietor, and investor
10 Place
Russian former professional mixed martial artist
11 Place
Chief Executive Officer of BlackRock
12 Place
American attorney and author
13 Place
American actress and producer
14 Place
junior United States senator from Florida
15 Place
Senator from Arizona
16 Place
Chairman of Miami Dolphins
17 Place
British-Brazilian actor
18 Place
German professional tennis player
19 Place
American sportscaster
20 Place
American professional golfer
21 Place
American actor
22 Place
Canadian actor
23 Place
Indian film critic and journalist
24 Place
American actor and musician
25 Place
American lawyer
26 Place
American track and field athlete
27 Place
Taiwanese actress
28 Place
American track and field sprinter
29 Place
American singer-songwriter and actor
30 Place

Rating Rabbits

1 Place
American actress
2 Place
Chilean and American actor
3 Place
American singer and actress
4 Place
English actor
5 Place
Chief Executive Officer of The Walt Disney
6 Place
English-American actress
7 Place
American film director
8 Place
Dominican professional baseballer of Major League Baseball (MLB)
9 Place
Brazilian professional mixed martial artist
10 Place
Serbian professional tennis player
11 Place
American actor
12 Place
American actress
13 Place
Prime minister of Australia
14 Place
Junior United States senator from Kentucky
15 Place
Czech billionaire businessman
16 Place
former professional basketball player
17 Place
English actor and musician
18 Place
Kazakhstani professional tennis player
19 Place
American rapper
20 Place
Music executive
21 Place
American actor and singer
22 Place
Ghanaian-British actress
23 Place
American professional golfer
24 Place
American actor
25 Place
American actor and singer
26 Place
South Korean producer and television director
27 Place
American attorney
28 Place
American former professional basketball player
29 Place
American football quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers of the National Football League (NFL)
30 Place

Final assessment

C was born in the year of the Dragon. According to the European zodiac - Taurus. N was born in the year of the Rabbit. According to the European zodiac - Aries. Character compatibility index Taurus and Aries is 80%. Chinese zodiac signs compatibility index Dragon and Rabbit is 88%. Final compatibility index - 84%.

Moon calendar

On the sixteenth day, the Moon is in the III quarter and wanes. The day is quite moderate, calm and harmonious. Man today is spiritually cleansed. Various physical activities are recommended to normalize health. Keep calm, balance and inner comfort. Try not to show anger, aggression and envy, do not go to extremes.

The day is suitable for the conclusion of marriage unions, which are based on respect and equality. Be sexually restrained today. Dirt on clothes on the 16th lunar day is a sign of spiritual impurity. The energy center is the spleen. Symbols of the day: Ladder to Heaven, Butterfly, Dove. Stones: pearls, emerald, charoite, tourmaline.

Moon calendar

Day 16

Today 18 October.
Age of the moon 15.7 Days - decreasing.
Moon at 364993.78 kilometers from the center of the earth.
Earth from the Sun at distance 149005291 kilometers.
Next new moon will be 12:48:13, 1 Nov 2024.

Horoscope by zodiac sign
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Personal horoscope

Sometimes you want to know what the coming day is preparing. Understand who is waiting for our support, and in what area we need help. Fortunately, our readers have such an opportunity. Julie Poe, a numerologist with extensive knowledge, prepares a forecast and generously shares his observations and warnings.
Julie Poe

Leading numerologist, best-selling author
Died this year
Born this year