Horoscope by date of birth

Individual horoscope


Mario was born in the year of the Bull. According to the European zodiac - Taurus. Age - 27.

Birthday moon 12 Days - growing

Moon calendar

On the twelfth day, the young moon continues to be in phase II from the first quarter to the full moon. Wisdom and tranquility reign today. Do good, show compassion, show mercy, try to rebuild a relationship, give a gift or give alms. Try not to get angry. Having quarreled on this day, it will be almost impossible to make up.

Today is the time when prayers will be answered by God. A marriage made on this day will bring happiness. Dreams can be scary, but in the morning everything will be forgotten. Eat nuts on this day, drink juices. The heart is the energy center. Symbols of the day: Heart, Chalice. Stones: pink pearls, yellow coral, mother of pearl, lapis lazuli.

Mario - zodiac sign Taurus

Taurus - loyal and responsible

The main features of the representatives of the sign of Taurus are: serenity, endurance, as well as some passivity. They calmly endure the blows inflicted by fate, but do not retreat from the intended path. No one manages to dissuade them from what is intended. Regularity and calmness when moving through life - this is how Taurus see their existence, trying to avoid disasters and conflicts.

Taurus blindly value everything they have, therefore, even in relation to close people, they show a possessive instinct. People of this sign will be the best friends, but over time they will want to become one of a kind. Taurus are not very talkative, only when they communicate with their closest friends, they can open up, and people around them will almost never be able to hear frivolous remarks and jokes from them.

Taurus zodiac sign

No one will ever argue with Taurus, they will tirelessly insist on their own, trying to ignore the weighty arguments of their interlocutor. If a miracle happens and Taurus wins, he still won't change his mind.

Taurus remain calm under any circumstances, and if there are bouts of rage, you will not envy others, because in anger this sign is truly scary. When it is not possible to maintain composure, their discontent does not tolerate any boundaries, falling, even on those who are close.

Taurus are tireless workers. They will always choose work, instead of rest, dexterous deception, they will prefer honest work, a large-scale event - a family circle, hobbies - love, and empty unnecessary conversations - silence. It is worth noting that Taurus is attached to his home, which is usually located outside the city and is surrounded by a well-groomed, cozy and modest garden.

Compatibility Taurus

Business Love Marriage Sex Friendship Compatibility

Mario - zodiac sign Bull

The bull is calm and reliable

People born in the year of the Ox are silent, patient and calm. But their behavior hides original thoughts and intelligence. They seem to be reliable and this is the main reason why they thrive. They are cautious and love work and loneliness. Despite their peaceful demeanor, they can be quite hot. Their outbursts of anger are rare, but especially harsh. It is not recommended to tease them as they can become dangerous and aggressive. Although they are usually withdrawn, they can become very talkative if the situation calls for it. Oxen hate everything modern and progressive, they are more traditionalists.

Oxen are extremely diligent and capable, but this does not always lead to a successful conclusion. Unfortunately, oxen are not always well understood by their fellow citizens and colleagues.

Ox zodiac sign

They should not choose a stressful job where they have to deal with authorities or people. Therefore, work in the field of public administration is not suitable for them. Traveling is also not recommended as it disturbs their health and mental balance. They need to stay in the comfort of their home. The female, born under the sign of the Bull, clings to her house and is an excellent mistress. Often it is she who leads the family boat through the waves of life.

Bulls are proud of their children and family. In return, they expect blind obedience and rule everything with authority and a high degree of rigor. For oxen, flirting, like love, is a love joke. They can be loyal, gentle and sensual, but never romantic.

Compatibility Bull

Business Love Marriage Sex Friendship Compatibility
Pig Pig 3/5
RoosterRooster 5/5
MonkeyMonkey 5/5
GoatGoat 4/5
HorseHorse 4/5
SnakeSnake 5/5
Dog Dog 2/5
BullBull 5/5
TigerTiger 5/5
Dragon Dragon 5/5
RabbitRabbit 1/5
RatRat 5/5

Numerology: Your destiny number


Destiny Number 6 - Venus

Venus controls the sensual side of life, affects relationships, communication with others, the ability to negotiate with partners and avoid unnecessary conflicts. Increased interest in the opposite sex can lead to problems in life, especially for women.

For «sixes», as well as for «twos», cooperation is important, but more partnership and love. People with a 6 life code are looking for love and personal happiness. But this search is not always successful.

How others see you

You have high ideals and a great desire to achieve personal happiness. Love is the ruler of your world and the purpose of life. You also see the meaning of living on the planet in helping people and charity. Sixes are sensitive, kind, but also sacrificial. They can forget about their interests in order to solve the problems of their loved ones, colleagues, friends and just acquaintances. At the bottom of this internal dissonance lies a strong desire to find a person who will become an unconditional friend, a devoted and grateful partner. But doing good in order to get gratitude and approval is not the best solution, especially for sixes.

You love the truth, your heart is filled with mercy and warmth. A woman with a life number of six is graceful, charming and has musical inclinations. A man is most often a spiritual leader, a born artist. Both are content with little and strive for high aesthetics and spirituality. You are sensitive and vulnerable, you are offended by all the banalities and rudeness, you are not selfish and know how to sacrifice for the sake of loved ones.

Take care of yourself, because your health is fragile. Do not overload the heart - it is your most sensitive organ. Walk and swim regularly, then you can enjoy life until old age. Look for love within yourself, in spiritual growth and knowledge of your abilities. Do not expect gratitude and a reverent response to your kindness from those around you. There is a shortage of love in the world - everyone is looking for it in each other, not realizing that it is inside a person and is connected with the deep processes taking place inside the Universe. And people are an important part of it.

As soon as the sixes stop reproaching others for being disliked and ingratitude, callousness, then life begins to improve. A person who does not require love from others receives it unconditionally - as a gift for knowing deep truths and the world order.

How to calculate the number of fate

To calculate the main number of fate, you only need to know the date of birth. For example, your date of birth 20 May 1997 years, you need to add up the individual numbers ( 2 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 7 ) and reduce the amount received to a single digit, in this case 33 = 3 + 3 = 6. So your life number is 6.

Why know the number of your destiny

The number of your destiny is a kind of guide that allows you to keep the right course in life. Such information can be used in various fields, including professional activities. The number of the life path in numerology reflects the image that you project onto the world, that is, the person that you appear when you first meet. It also makes it clear how to use your natural qualities to increase your chances of success. By finding out your life path number, you can learn more about the image you project onto the world and how to use your top positive qualities to be more successful.

Numerology helps you choose a life’s work that will bring both good earnings and inner satisfaction. The number of fate shows what a person should turn his energy to and what mistakes should be avoided. Knowing the number of fate, one can even suggest a line of behavior in a romantic relationship. Knowledge of numerology also helps in building harmonious communication with loved ones, colleagues and friends.

Rating Taurus

American comedian
1 Place
Chief Executive Officer of Pershing Square Tontine Holdings
2 Place
American singer, rapper, and flutist
3 Place
Egyptian tennis player
4 Place
English-American actress
5 Place
Belarusian professional tennis player
6 Place
American actor
7 Place
American internet entrepreneur and investor
8 Place
American country music singer-songwriter
9 Place
British-American comedian
10 Place
Member of the California State Senate
11 Place
American rapper, singer, songwriter
12 Place
American singer and actress
13 Place
American comedian and actress
14 Place
American professional baseball pitcher
15 Place
American professional baseball shortstop for the New York Yankees of Major League Baseball (MLB)
16 Place
United States Senator from Arkansas
17 Place
American football coach
18 Place
Chairman of Miami Dolphins
19 Place
American professional tennis player
20 Place
American professional golfer
21 Place
American author, journalist, and professor
22 Place
English professional golfer
23 Place
Co-founder and CEO of cybersecurity company CrowdStrike
24 Place
13th lieutenant governor of Georgia
25 Place
American actress and film producer
26 Place
South Korean actress
27 Place
Indian filmmaker
28 Place
Indian actor
29 Place
American professional baseballer
30 Place

Rating Bull

44th President of the United States
1 Place
American comedian
2 Place
Founder of the Bridgewater Associates
3 Place
Prime minister of Israel
4 Place
Dutch-Belgian racing driver
5 Place
American comedian and actress
6 Place
American television news program host
7 Place
American politician and lawyer
8 Place
American attorney
9 Place
American professional baseball pitcher in the Arizona Diamondbacks organization
10 Place
Former chairman of Tata Sons
11 Place
American singer
12 Place
Japanese professional tennis player
13 Place
American multimedia artist
14 Place
American actor
15 Place
Norwegian professional golfer
16 Place
American professional golfer
17 Place
Junior United States senator from Connecticut
18 Place
American professional basketball player of the National Basketball Association (NBA)
19 Place
English professional golfer
20 Place
English actress
21 Place
Indian actor
22 Place
American former soccer player
23 Place
American judge serving on the Manhattan Supreme Court
24 Place
Indian film director
25 Place
Indian film director
26 Place
Venezuelan professional baseballer
27 Place
American professional track and field sprinter
28 Place
American filmmaker
29 Place
American television personality
30 Place

Were born on the same day 20 May

American author, journalist, and professor
1 Place
American country music singer and songwriter
2 Place
United States deputy secretary of the treasury
3 Place
American director and producer
4 Place
American actor
5 Place
British actor
6 Place
Founder of Abrams Media
7 Place
professional golfer
8 Place
Lawyer and Judge of the Superior Court of Pennsylvania
9 Place
British media executive
10 Place

Body wear 35%

The body was awake 159,696 and slept 79,848 hours. The brain has processed 61882200 thoughts.
Water(H2O) drunk 19,962 liters. Produced by 11,977 liters of salivary glands. The lacrimal glands are produced 100 liters.
Heart beat 876731040 times and pumped 72102744 liters of blood.
Lungs made 198412299 sighs and reworked 5,998,581 liters of oxygen(O2). More than 5,030,424 liters of carbon dioxide(CO2).
The esophagus has digested 14,972 kilogram of food and 24,952,500 calories. The body worked out 61882200 kcal of energy. Highlighted bowel movements 3,992 kilogram.
Feet done 26,958,681 steps and passed 18,874,071 kilometers.

Medical statistics

After 20 years, a man begins a calm period. A person decides on a job, creates a family, some have time to conceive children before the age of 30. At the same time, there is still excitement that draws a man into dangerous situations, which increases the risk of injury. This determines the main reasons for visiting doctors.

The most common diseases in men 20-30 years old

Hormonal changes have already ended in the body, all organs work in the correct mode, they easily endure the load. At the same time, an active lifestyle and a wide circle of communication leaves its mark. Most often, men under 30 turn to doctors with the following problems:

  • Respiratory diseases. They make up almost 25% of the reasons for visiting doctors. It starts, as a rule, everything with a banal bronchitis, which men do not pay attention to. The situation is aggravated by attempts to smoke or already a long smoking experience. This leads to a chronicization of the process and the spread of the bacterial flora to the underlying sections - the lungs. Also often men suffer from rhinitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis. In most cases, treatment is carried out independently at home, so the static data can be significantly higher.
  • Pathologies of the genitourinary system. They are less common, but in comparison with other pathologies it takes 15%. An active sex life determines the reasons for seeking medical attention. As a rule, almost every man under 30 years of age is faced with one or another sexually transmitted disease. In most cases, it is syphilis and gonorrhea. Trichomonas and papillomavirus are less common. It is noteworthy that prostatitis has become increasingly detected in men under 30 years old, which is associated with a lack of movement, bad habits and an infectious factor.
  • Injury and poisoning. They are twice as rare and account for 11%. The former include fractures and dislocations of the limbs, head and spine injuries. In most cases, poisoning is associated with low-quality alcohol and the use of drugs. Increasingly, the cause of treatment in narcology is an overdose, which, without emergency assistance, can cause death.
  • Pathologies of the digestive system. The probability of contacting doctors with gastritis at this age is 10%. The habit of snacking on the go, the stress associated with finding a job or a soulmate, become the cause of diseases. In some cases, by the age of 30, men already have a stomach or duodenal ulcer. It is possible to identify systemic pathologies - Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Diseases of the organs of vision. Increased eye strain in middle and high school exacerbates the course of eye disease. The largest percentage is myopia. Infectious and viral conjunctivitis and eye injuries are also often the reason for contacting ophthalmologists.
  • Rare disorders. This should include pathologies of the skin, bone and nervous systems, muscle tissues. Parasitic diseases are also rare, which is explained by the full hygiene of a man at a conscious age.

In general, the state of health of adolescents under 20 years of age is assessed as very good in 16% of cases and as good in 66% of cases. The percentage of poor health is 0.1%.

Causes of mortality at the age of 20-30 years

Respiratory diseases are still in the first place. This is partly due to the late appeal to doctors, since it is extremely rare for a man to go to a therapist when he coughs. More often, the reason for visiting the clinic is a serious condition, indicating pneumonia. It is she who is the cause of death at the age of 20-30 years. Injuries and acute poisoning become two times less likely to cause death. The latter should include narcotic substances and alcohol, especially of dubious quality. The cause of death is precisely acute intoxication, and not a prolonged binge. Acute pathologies of the kidneys, leading to death, are less common and in most cases are due to a specific infection and a general weakening of the body.

Moon calendar

On the thirteenth day, the Moon is young and is still in phase II. Now is the time for learning, nevertheless try to assimilate the information gradually. Wait for the emergence of long-forgotten problems and situations from the past. Get rid of them right away so that you have the strength to carry out new things.

You can check karma today. If it is normal, then the 13th lunar day will be similar to the 12th day. To do this, in the evening, analyze the events of two days. Cosmetics are good for you today, along with drugs. The energy center is the pancreas and stomach. Day stone: noble opal. Symbols: Spinning Wheel, Wheel.

Moon calendar

Day 13

Today 16 September.
Age of the moon 13.3 Days - growing.
Moon at 366,173 kilometers from the center of the earth.
Earth from the Sun at distance 150,340,899 kilometers.
Next new moon will be 18:50:32, 2 Oct 2024.

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Personal horoscope

Sometimes you want to know what the coming day is preparing. Understand who is waiting for our support, and in what area we need help. Fortunately, our readers have such an opportunity. Julie Poe, a numerologist with extensive knowledge, prepares a forecast and generously shares his observations and warnings.
Julie Poe

Leading numerologist, best-selling author
Died this year
Born this year