
KARP Jonathan
KARP Jonathan

President and CEO of Simon & Schuster

In a press release: «ViacomCBS Appoints Jonathan Karp to President and CEO of Simon & Schuster, Inc.»


For 96 years, Simon & Schuster has been the gold standard for publishing books that satisfy and illuminate readers, and I am grateful for the opportunity to inherit this great legacy. quotes


This plan is the culmination of more than two years of DEC work and outreach and lays the groundwork for managing our trout streams in a responsible manner while also expanding angling opportunities to the greatest extent possible. quotes


The Library is very pleased to welcome Zadie and Howard to the Board of Trustees. Their clear affinity for the Library and its mission, as well as their impressive expertise in the worlds of business, literature, philanthropy, and culture, will no doubt be invaluable as the Board helps steward this beloved and critically important institution through this current crisis. quotes


It is a shame that the so-called new T-Mobile is the same as the old. Apparently, neither sleet nor snow nor life-threatening pandemic will stop the company from trying to silence workers, even if it means putting them and their families at risk of infection. quotes


So here's how it's going to work, first thing your listeners should know is that starting Wednesday morning at 1 o'clock until 5 a.m. the subways will be shut down. This is the first time this has happened in the 116 year history of the subways. This is to allow an unprecedented 24/7 cleaning operation, and the disinfecting of every subway car, every bus is going to be disinfected as well and I'll tell you why that's important in a second, as well as every subway car and every station the same will be true on Long Island Railroad and Metro-North. In light of the pandemic and the rapid deterioration in the situation on the subways, with the homeless and to assure the public, our riders, and our employees that we're doing everything to protect public health, we're making this unprecedented decision. We are, however, providing substantially increased bus service during this period. For instance, the number of bus trips during this period is going to increase by over 1,100 bus trips, that's more than 76% increase, and we're adding 344 new buses on top of the 235 that are already deployed, so we're increasing the operational fleet of buses by nearly 150% during the 1 a.m. to 5 a.m. period. We believe that most of our customers who are going to be inconvenienced and we recognize the inconvenience, we apologize for it, but it's necessary. In light of making sure we can disinfect subway cars and stations and buses during the pandemic, most customers we believe will be served by the increased bus service that we put on the streets for the relatively small number of customers that can't use my service because it's not workable. There will be access to black livery cars who will take them home. One ride during the 1 to 5 period, one to four essential workers only, and three for those going either home, or to their to their workplace. We've reached out to employers generally throughout the five boroughs, including the chambers of commerce, individual large employers and labor unions, and we believe we've done a good job of getting the work out. Customers who want information, Michael, can go to myMTA app or MTA.info for information about the essential connector service the increase in bus service. Customers can go to MTA.info/overnight. quotes


President, Chief executive of the NYPL

In a press release: «The New York Public Library Reveals What New Yorkers Are Reading While Social Distancing»


For 125 years, The New York Public Library has brought New Yorkers together around reading and learning, offering books, classes, programs, and materials to strengthen our communities quotes


The best news is that most of our patients have already been discharged, which is great. We’ve only had two patients perish. We do see, when patients come in with high fevers, they do [reduce] quite quickly. We have seen people come off ventilators a day after starting therapy. So, in that realm, overall our patients have done very well. quotes


I think we’re making a lot of progress, I’m hopeful that we can reach an agreement, that the Senate can pass this tomorrow, and that the House can take it up on Tuesday, and, Wednesday, we’d be back up and running quotes


We’ve made very good progress, you have got a lot of details, a lot of dotted Is and crossed Ts ... I am very, very hopeful. quotes


I think we are getting close to a deal. It could happen. It could happen, a lot of good work has been going on and we could have an answer tomorrow and we are going to see what exactly does take place quotes


He is coming to the Oval Office tomorrow afternoon, Andrew will be coming in with some of his people. We look forward to that. quotes


Chief Investment Officer

In a press release: «Mark Leavitt on Nation's Restaurant News 'Power List'»


The fund has more than $200 million in commitments from USHG and outside investors to fund what it sees as promising, like-minded companies. Investments include investments in fast-casual brand Dig, delivery platform Goldbelly, website designer Bentobox, third-wave coffee concept Joe Coffee Company and artisan ice cream maker Salt & Straw. quotes

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