Based on its research, Deutsche Bank proposed introducing an additional tax on work from home in the amount of 5% of the employee's salary, if he is not forced to work remotely by Covid-19.
As an employee of Deutsche Bank explained, the tax is proposed to be introduced to help people in those professions that cannot be carried out remotely. The bank considers this tax to be correct and non-disruptive to anyone's rights, since people working from home significantly save their money: they have no travel expenses, no spending on lunch, less spending on clothes, and they also bring a low contribution to the development of the economy while staying at home If a 5% tax is introduced, this will significantly replenish the budget, will continue to support the poor and pay benefits to people who have lost their jobs.
Millions of people have switched to remote work in connection with the closure of offices by employers due to the pandemic. Many large companies have also confirmed their intention to allow employees to work from home after the virus ends.
How will the tax be collected? This tax will be paid by employers who are allowed to work remotely.
The tax will not be levied on low-income and self-employed people, as well as employees working from home for medical reasons.
Tax revenue will only be spent on supporting employees who cannot do work from home, as well as employees whose income is below a certain minimum per year.
Deutsche Bank reports that the topic of additional taxation has generated a lot of discussions and questions related to it. In response to heated discussions, the bank says the 5% tax will not hurt employees who prefer to work from home.