New York will introduce a coronavirus test for visitors to the state
Those who are already in a state will not be affected by this change.
Cuomo announced that people who want to visit New York must have a negative COVID-19 test three days before they arrive in the state. Kuomo also said that these people will definitely have to be isolated for 2 weeks for prevention.
Andrew Cuomo said: "New York is the third most contaminated country in the country with COVID-19 infections and travel is nowhere near as accessible as the other states are at risk".
On Friday 30th October, New York City conducted 136,000 tests. Of these, 1.49% showed positive results. USA set a record for the daily growth of those infected with coronavirus. The number of new patients was 90,456.
The country's previous record was set on 24 October, when more than 83,000 people became infected with Coronavirus in one day.
The COVID-19 outbreak began at the end of 2019 in China. On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organisation announced the spread of the coronavirus infection.
The United States remains the most affected country by the coronavirus pandemic. As of 1 November, the total number of infected people had reached over 9.1 million, almost 231,000 had died and more than 3.61 million had recovered.