Chief economist at The Conference Board
Organization: The Conference Board
Profession: Chief economist
Gad Levanon is chief economist, North America for The Conference Board, where he oversees the labor market, US forecasting, and Help Wanted OnLine© programs. His research focuses on trends in US and global labor markets, the US economy, and forecasting using economic indicators. Levanon created The Conference Board Employment Trends Index™, a
widely used measure that fills the need for a leading index of employment. He also writes a popular blog on labor markets for The Conference Board Human Capital Exchange™ as well as research reports.
In 2016, he won the Consensus Economics forecast accuracy award for the US economy for his work at The Conference Board. Levanon is also an adjunct professor in the economics department at NYU. Before coming to The Conference Board, he worked at the Israeli Central Bank. He has published extensively in academic and professional journals.
He received his PhD in economics from Princeton University, and holds undergraduate and master’s degrees from Tel Aviv University in Israel.