Jim Demint is a famous American politician, who was born on September 2, 1951. As a person born on this date, Jim Demint is listed in our database as the 49th most popular celebrity for the day (September 2) and the 162nd most popular for the year (1951).
People born on September 2 fall under the Zodiac sign of Virgo, the Virgin. Jim Demint is the 1479th most popular Virgo.
Aside from information specific to Jim Demint's birthday, Jim Demint is the 9952nd most famous American and ranks 5th in famous people born in Greenville, South Carolina, U.S.
In general, Jim Demint ranks as the 18944th most popular famous person, and the 293rd most popular politician of all time. “The Famous Birthdays” catalogs over 25,000 famous people, everyone, from actors to actresses to singers to tiktok stars, from serial killers to chefs to scientists to youtubers and more. If you're curious to see who was born on your birthday, you can use our database to find out who, what, where, when and why. You can search by birthday, birthplace, claim to fame or any other information by typing in the search box, or simply browse our site by selecting the month, the day, the horoscope, or any other clickable option.
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