Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME Group)
Chicago Mercantile Exchan
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Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME Group)


Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME Group)

Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME Group)

Financial services


CME Group Inc. (Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade, New York Mercantile Exchange, The Commodity Exchange) is a global markets company. It is the world's largest financial derivatives exchange, and trades in asset classes that include agricultural products, currencies, energy, interest rates, metals, and stock indexes. The company offers futures contracts and options on futures using its CME Globex trading platforms, fixed income trading via BrokerTec and foreign exchange trading on the EBS platform. In addition, it operates a central counterparty clearing provider, CME Clearing. With a range of pre- and post-trade products and services underpinning the entire lifecycle of a trade, CME Group also offers optimization and reconciliation services through TriOptima, and trade processing services through Traiana.

The company has been described by The Economist as, "The biggest financial exchange you have never heard of". In 2019, CME Group was named the world's fastest growing and most valuable exchange brand for the sixth consecutive year by Brand Finance, while it had the fifth greatest brand strength.

Trading platforms

Trading is conducted in two methods: an open outcry format and the CME Globex Trading System which is an electronic trading platform.


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Financial services


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