Albemarle Corporation


Albemarle Corporation

Albemarle Corporation



Albemarle Corporation is a fine chemical manufacturing company based in Charlotte, North Carolina. It operates 3 divisions: lithium (37.8% of 2019 revenues), bromine specialties (28.0% of 2019 revenues) and catalysts (29.6% of 2019 revenues).

Albemarle is the largest provider of lithium for electric vehicle batteries. Albermarle, Sociedad Química y Minera, and FMC Corporation collectively produce just over half of the world's lithium and lithium storage products, while just under half is produced by China.

Albemarle is a large developer of flame retardant chemicals technologies, with production plants in the United States, China, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Austria, and the United Kingdom. It also has a line of antioxidants and blends which concentrate on improving storage life and stability of fuel and other lubricant products. It produces products used in rigid and flexible polyurethane foam applications and ammonium polyphosphate products, pigments for paper applications, aluminum oxides used for flame-retardant, polishing agent, catalyst, and niche ceramic applications, as well as magnesium hydroxide mainly used as a flame-retardant.[1] It is one of the largest producers of hydro processing catalysts (HPC) and fluidized catalytic cracking (FCC) catalysts used in the petroleum refining industry.[1] Production locations (excluding joint ventures in Brasil and Japan) are: Bayport, Texas and Amsterdam, Netherlands. Albemarle also produces fine chemicals and chemical services for the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries. The Alternative Fuel Technologies division participates in the market for biofuels, gas to liquids, and coal liquefaction.

The company is ranked 702nd on the Fortune 500.


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Company Persons

Chief Strategy Officer at Albemarle Corporation
1 place
Chief Executive Officer of Albemarle
2 place


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