The New Year's Eve

The New Year's Eve is on December 31. It's the last day of December. December is the longest month, but it goes by quickly. We don't think about why we say goodbye to one year and hello to the next. We just do it. Some people don't do anything special on New Year's Eve, but they think about the past year and hope for the new one. Why does New Year's come on December 31?
About the holiday
Brief history
The last day of the year is December 31. Before the Gregorian calendar, people used different calendars to count time. The Gregorian calendar was made by the Vatican in 1582. It is based on the sun. It replaced the old Roman calendar, which was based on the moon. The Gregorian was changed from the Julian calendar. The Julian calendar was made by Caesar. He asked Sosigenes to help him.
On October 4, 1582, they changed the calendar. They took away some days. The next day after October 4 was October 15. People whose birthdays were between October 5 and 14 had problems.
Also, the new year started on January 1, not April 1. This was because of Janus. He was the god of beginnings. January 1 seemed like a good start.
How It’s Celebrated
New Year’s Eve is celebrated in various ways around the world. In some countries, people gather at midnight to watch the clock strike twelve and make wishes. In others, they go to parties and concerts. Some people prefer to spend the night at home with their loved ones.
The New Year's Eve
Interesting facts
- In Scotland, it is customary to burn logs on New Year's Eve to ensure that the fire burns for the entire night and brings good luck to the house.
- In Japan, people write their wishes on small pieces of paper and place them in envelopes. On New Year's Eve, they throw these envelopes into wells, believing that this will help their wishes come true.
- In Italy, on New Year's Eve, people throw old things out of the windows to get rid of the old and welcome the new.
- In Mexico, people eat 12 grapes at midnight to ensure good luck for the coming year.
- In some countries, such as China and Vietnam, New Year's Eve is celebrated on a different day than in the West. In China, it is celebrated on February 1st, and in Vietnam, it is celebrated on the lunar New Year, which falls on different dates every year.
Were born on 31 December
Dear friends and family! We want to wish you a happy New Year! May this year bring you joy, happiness, and success! Let your dreams come true, and let every day be filled with positive emotions! Let the new year be filled with new experiences, adventures, and unforgettable moments!