

Workhorse Group Incorporated is an American manufacturing company based in Cincinnati, Ohio, currently focused on manufacturing electrically powered delivery and utility vehicles.


The company was founded in 1998 by investors who took over the production of General Motors' P30/P32 series stepvan and motorhome chassis.

By 2005, they were taken over by Navistar International, which had been selling them diesel engines. Navistar then shuttered the plant in 2012 to cut costs after having suffered heavy losses.

In March 2015, a company called AMP Electric Vehicles took over Workhorse Custom Chassis, changing the company name to Workhorse Group Incorporated, and began offering a range of electric vehicles.

In February 2019, Steve Burns, co-founder and CEO of Workhorse decided to resign from the company. President and COO Duane Hughes became the new CEO of Workhorse.

Lordstown Plant

On May 8, 2019, General Motors confirmed that it was in talks to potentially sell Lordstown Assembly, its idle 6.2 million square foot manufacturing plant in Lordstown, Ohio to Workhorse Group. On November 7, 2019, the newly constituted Lordstown Motors, of which Workhorse Group has a 10% stake, purchased the shuttered Lordstown Assembly Plant from General Motors. Lordstown Motors is led by former Workhorse CEO, Steve Burns, who has assumed the role of co-founder and CEO of Lordstown Motors. Later that day, Workhorse Group issued a press release detailing a licensing agreement with Lordstown Motors for their W-15 pickup truck.


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In rating
Auto and Transport

Company Persons

Chief Executive Officer Workhorse
1 place


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