Paper Bottle Company (PABOCO)
Paper Bottle Company (PAB
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Paper Bottle Company (PABOCO)


Paper Bottle Company (PABOCO)

Paper Bottle Company (PABOCO)

Industry and Production


Paboco is the paper bottle company.


Paboco was founded with the purpose of embracing and driving the ongoing paper bottle project, an innovation community and platform, joining some of the world's leading experts in materials, design and technology.

The project was started by Danish innovation company EcoXpac in 2010, with the Carlsberg Group joining in 2015 to initiate the “The green fibre bottle”, a project where Carlsberg and EcoXpac were collaborating on a first paper bottle prototype based on recycled fibres. In parallel, BillerudKorsnäs was also in the process of exploring the possibilities of another paper bottle product.

Evidently, the three companies had assumed a similar challenge, which soon led to a joint innovation platform. EcoXpac had competence in pulp moulding and tool manufacturing, but needed support on fibre technology, stock preparation, paper making, barriers, upscaling, market opportunities etc.

As the project progressed, BillerudKorsnäs became a majority shareholder in EcoXpac. A partnership discussion with bottle manufacturer Alpla was initiated, which ultimately led to the decision to continue the project in a new company suit now called Paboco, the paper bottle company, launched in 2019.

BillerudKorsnäs and Alpla share the ambition to drive packaging innovation in a sustainable direction. They now own equal shares in our company. A minority share is held by Jesper Servé Holding representing the founder family.


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