Institute for Supply Management (ISM)
Institute for Supply Mana
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Institute for Supply Management (ISM)


Institute for Supply Management (ISM)

Institute for Supply Management (ISM)

Politics and Administration


Institute for Supply Management (ISM) is the oldest, and the largest, supply management association in the world. Founded in 1915, the U.S.-based not-for-profit educational association serves professionals and organizations with a keen interest in supply management, providing them education, training, qualifications, publications, information, and research.

ISM currently has 50,000 members in more than 90 countries. It offers two qualifications, the Certified Professional in Supply Management (CPSM) and the Certified Professional in Supplier Diversity (CPSD), and, in partnership with the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University, sponsors CAPS Research.

ISM competes against several educational, certification, and membership organizations serving the supply chain profession, including APICS, the Next Level Purchasing Association, the National Contract Management Association, the American Purchasing Society, The Center for Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Excellence, and the Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply.


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Alena Potapova

Development Director
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