The Georgia Chamber of Commerce
The Georgia Chamber of Co
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The Georgia Chamber of Commerce


The Georgia Chamber of Commerce

The Georgia Chamber of Commerce

Politics and Administration


The Georgia Chamber of Commerce is a statewide membership organization centered on a mission of pro-business advocacy and headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. The Georgia Chamber claims to oppose legislation which most small and large business owners would consider a threat to their business success.


Founded in 1915 as the Georgia Manufacturing Association, the Georgia Chamber renamed itself the Associated Industries of Georgia in 1939. In 1968, the organization became the Georgia Business and Industry Association, and then in 1983 became the Business Council of Georgia. The most recent name change happened in 1992. The organization has been known as the Georgia Chamber of Commerce ever since.

Throughout the years, the Georgia Chamber of Commerce has cultivated relationships with several smaller statewide associations, entering into affiliate partnerships with six groups. These organizations include Leadership Georgia (1971), the Georgia Self-Insurers Association (1975) the Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education (1990), the Georgia Employers' Association (2003), the Council on Alcohol and Drugs/Drugs Don't Work (2004), and the Tourism Development Alliance of Georgia (2004).

The current President and CEO is Chris Clark, who has held the position since 2010.

Today, the Georgia Chamber of Commerce employs approximately 30 people in the areas of operations, member services, government affairs, public policy, and communications. Hundreds of volunteers from businesses throughout the state are part of the organization's board of directors, government affairs council and policy committees.


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