St. Mary's Healthcare
St. Mary's Healthcare
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St. Mary's Healthcare


St. Mary's Healthcare

St. Mary's Healthcare

Verified company


St. Mary’s Healthcare has improved the community’s access to prescription medications with a full-service Community Pharmacy at the St. Mary’s Rao Outpatient Pavilion.

Conveniently located on the upper level of the Rao Outpatient Pavilion with a convenient drive-thru option, the new pharmacy is open weekdays, from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m, Saturdays from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. and Sundays from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. In addition to competitively priced prescription drugs with timely turnaround, the St. Mary’s Community Pharmacy also stocks over-the-counter medications.

Along with fulfilling medication requests, the St. Mary’s Community Pharmacy will also provide:

  • Hassle free transfers from other pharmacies
  • Automatic refills on maintenance medications
  • Prescription alerts and reminders
  • Comprehensive medication review appointments
  • Quick and convenient refills
  • Immunization history records and consults
  • Drug Interaction screening
  • Nutrition and supplemental recommendations
  • Adherence consults – Pharmacists specialized in adherence consult on common high-risk conditions -blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes

The St. Mary’s Community Pharmacy is accepting most major insurances, with new plans being added daily.  This location offers special convenience to patients with doctor’s appointments in the Rao Outpatient Pavilion, including patients from the St. Mary’s Amsterdam Family Health Center for Primary Care and Pediatrics, Urgent Care, and the St. Mary’s Tesiero Cancer Center, who can collect their prescriptions from the pharmacy before leaving the building. As mentioned, the design of the new pharmacy was created with convenience in mind for our patients and the community with walk-in access from inside the building, walk-up access through our dedicated pharmacy entrance and a drive-thru option to avoid ever leaving the comfort of your vehicle. 


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