OPKO Health



OPKO Health is a medical test and medication company focused on diagnostics and pharmaceuticals. The company is a publicly traded company on NASDAQ and TASE under the symbol "OPK".


OPKO Health is a diversified healthcare company present in more than 30 countries. The company's primary businesses include:

  • Bioreference Laboratories, the third largest clinical laboratory with a core genetic testing business and a nearly 300 person sales and marketing team
  • The 4K Test Score, a blood test for prostate cancer accurately used to predict the likelihood of cancer spreading to other body parts within the next 20 years and guide in patient care decisions
  • Pharmaceutical development such as Rayaldee an FDA approved treatment for secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHIP)
  • The company also developed Varubi, a chemotherapy inducted nausea medication out-licensed to Tesaro and TerSera Therapeutics

The Chairman and CEO of OPKO is Dr. Phillip Frost, a billionaire biotech entrepreneur who previously held Chairman positions during the early stages and successful sales of Key Pharmaceuticals, Ivax Corporation, and Teva Pharmaceuticals.

Products lines

Diagnostics: Bioreference Laboratory, 4k Test Score, Claros 1 Point of Care Diagnostic Platform Therapeutics: Vitamin D and Phosphate Management Products, Growth Hormone, Hemophilia and Obesity Products, Other Small Molecule and Biological Therapeutics, Vaccines Strategic Investments: ARNO Therapuetics, BioCardia, ChromaDex Corporation, Cocrystal Pharma, MABVAX, Neovasc, Pharmsynthez, RXi Pharmaceuticals, VBI Vaccines, Sevion, Xenetic Biosciences, Zebra Biologic.

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