Horoscope tomorrow For sign Sagittarius

TODAY 11 May 2024. MOON growing, NEW MOON 6 June.

Tomorrow day Sagittarius will be full of surprises - pleasant and not so pleasant. Do the preparatory process in advance, and then devote yourself to relaxation. You should not take a vacation at your own expense on this day, just tell everyone to worry less, as you are tired. Do what you love. Nevertheless, you should not put on the back burner current affairs, which you will still be reminded of. Decisive action may be required of you, so be on the lookout. A conflict will mature with your family, but do not listen to their comments about your actions, because they are not able to understand even a hundredth of what you feel. Don't be nervous, it's not as bad as you think.

Business Horoscope

The sun in the constellation Sagittarius will awaken ambition. You will be able to see the fruits of past labors. Just try not to spray excessive aggression. You can skillfully protect your interests, but do not forget about delicacy. With the support of Mercury, you can easily cope with conflict situations that arise on this day. Be bold and careful, but hold on to overconfidence when it comes to large, complex projects. The risk of being wrong tomorrow is great.



On this day, due to the influence of favorable luminaries, the Sagittarius sign is guaranteed to feel great. You are full of strength, cheerful, and you can also boast of a great mood. If tomorrow you are going to treat any chronic disease, then these procedures will not be effective enough - not the way you expected. Do everything in your power so as not to get upset and not stray off the course planned in advance.


Love horoscope

Sagittarius, tomorrow you will feel like a victim of circumstances, but do not feel sorry for your person too much. It will be difficult to talk to a loved one on this day, since he will not think about what is needed, inadequately perceive your thoughts, words, desires and requests. Be prepared to be persistent and persistent. Intimate terms, your needs completely coincide with the possibilities, so take the risk and enjoy.


Moon calendar

The third lunar day lasts from the new moon to the first quarter (phase I of the moon). You can already see the crescent moon in the sky. It's an unlucky day. Today you are required to be as active as possible. Focus on the main goal. You must fight! Channel your astral energy into self-defense. Take the time to exercise. Various martial arts (karate, tai chi, etc.) are best suited.

On this day, you can do metalworking, sharpen knives. Dreams today are not prophetic. The energy center on the second lunar day is the ears and the back of the head. If you feel pain in these areas, clean your bones. Symbol: a snow leopard preparing to jump. Stones: aventurine, ruby, pyrite.

Moon calendar

Day 3

Today 11 May.
Age of the moon 3.2 Days - growing.
Moon at 384,913 kilometers from the center of the earth.
Earth from the Sun at distance 151,122,954 kilometers.
Next new moon will be 12:40:02, 6 Jun 2024.


Rating Sagittarius

1 Place
Senior United States senator from New York
2 Place
3 Place
American professional baseball pitcher
4 Place
Secretary of the Treasury
5 Place
American professional baseball pitcher
6 Place
7 Place
8 Place
British-Brazilian actor
9 Place
Japanese composer
10 Place
American singer
11 Place
American comedian
12 Place
American former professional wrestler
13 Place
American professional golfer
14 Place
American actor
15 Place
16 Place
English professional golfer
17 Place
American singer
18 Place
19 Place
South Korean actor
20 Place
American singer and songwriter
21 Place
Indian actress
22 Place
Bahamian athlete
23 Place
American track and field athlete
24 Place
American pole vaulter athlete
25 Place
American footballer
26 Place
Venezuelan professional baseball outfielder for the Atlanta Braves of Major League Baseball (MLB)
27 Place
American footballer
28 Place
American film producer
29 Place
American actor
30 Place


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