The New York Building Congress
The New York Building Con
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The New York Building Congress


The New York Building Congress

The New York Building Congress

Politics and Administration


The New York Building Congress provides a unique forum to advance an industry-wide agenda focusing on economic and infrastructure investment, job creation and professional exchange. These goals require the dedicated involvement and cooperation of the contractors, architects, engineers, unions, real estate managers, developers and owners who comprise the building community.

On behalf of more than 550 constituent organizations comprising more than 250,000 skilled tradespeople and professionals, the Building Congress supports sound public policy, promotes productive capital spending, encourages public/private partnerships and evaluates the implementation of major government projects.

o foster relationships and cooperation, the Building Congress sponsors consensus-building activities and encourages a free exchange of ideas among leaders of industry associations, businesses and the public sector.

The Building Congress promotes competence and productivity in the workplace, with special emphasis on public service, teamwork and partnership with government. Members are encouraged to conduct business with honesty, integrity, and a spirit of fair competition.


Take place
Take place

Company Persons

President & CEO of the New York Building Congress
1 place


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New York Business Portal is always up-to-date database of New York enterprises!
Alena Potapova

Development Director
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