Mellanox Technologies
Mellanox Technologies
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Mellanox Technologies


Mellanox Technologies

Mellanox Technologies

Computers and software


Mellanox Technologies Ltd. is an Israeli-American multinational supplier of computer networking products based on InfiniBand and Ethernet technology. Mellanox offers adapters, switches, software, cables and silicon for markets including high-performance computing, data centers, cloud computing, computer data storage and financial services.

On March 11, 2019, Nvidia announced its intent to acquire the company for $6.9 billion. Other companies willing to acquire Mellanox were Intel, Xilinx and Microsoft. On April 16, 2020, it was announced that it closed the deal on April 27, 2020, with the approval from the EU, U.S. and Chinese antitrust authorities.

Products and market

Mellanox Technologies provides Ethernet and InfiniBand network adapters, switches and cables for servers and storage used in cloud and enterprise data centers based on internally developed integrated circuits. Mellanox offers interconnect products: adapters, switches, cables, software and silicon for a range of markets including high-performance computing, enterprise data centers, Web 2.0, cloud, storage and financial services.

In 2010, a press release from Oracle described Mellanox as "the premier switched fabric provider for enterprise data centers and high performance computing". According to the same press release, Mellanox's InfiniBand technology is faster, more scalable and provides higher throughput than alternative communications technologies. Larry Ellison, CEO of Oracle, promoted Mellanox's InfiniBand technology.


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