The New Hope Eagle Volunteer Fire Company
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The New Hope Eagle Volunteer Fire Company


The New Hope Eagle Volunteer Fire Company

The New Hope Eagle Volunteer Fire Company



The New Hope Eagle Volunteer Fire Company is Bucks County Stations 46 and 64.


The New Hope Eagle Fire Company, the oldest in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, is believed to have begun formally on the evening of June 21st, 1822 when a meeting was held, and it was resolved to form a department. It was also decided that members should be solicited from Lambertville, and the engine should be kept as near to the bridge as possible to be accessible for both towns.

The name chosen was "Delaware Fire Company," as a building was procured to store the engine at the New Hope entrance to the bridge. This building was rented from the Delaware Bridge Company for $1 per year. In 1864, another hand engine was purchased from the Eagle Fire Company of Trenton, and the name of "Eagle Fire Company No. 1 of New Hope" was adopted.

The top firefighting office at this time was titled the Chief Engineer, and twelve assistants aided him. A section of the by-laws in 1864 states that "any respectable person may become a contributing member of the company by paying one dollar annually."


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