

Glossier is a skincare and beauty brand founded by Emily Weiss in 2014. It started as an online-only company, building on the popularity of the beauty blog "Into the Gloss". Its marketing challenged traditional norms and beauty standards.


Weiss began her career in the fashion industry and gained public attention through her beauty blog "Into The Gloss" while working at Vogue. Inspired by the direct interactions with her readers, she founded Glossier with the mission to democratize beauty and create products that enhance natural beauty.

Glossier raised $2 million in seed funding from Forerunner Ventures, and launched with four products: an all-purpose balm, a facial mist, a sheer skin tint, and a moisturizer. The site developed philosophy of "skin first, makeup second", promoting a relaxed approach to beauty. It later expanded its product line to include skin serums, masks, shower gel, body lotion, fragrance, lip balms and lipstick.

In 2018, Glossier more than doubled its revenue in 2018, adding over 1 million new customers. In 2018 and 2019, Glossier raised another $150 million, valuing the company at $1.2 billion. That year it introduced a clothing line, GlossiWEAR, and its first physical retail location.

In May 2022, Weiss stepped down as CEO of Glossier, but stayed on its board as executive chairwoman. Kyle Leahy, Glossier's former chief commercial officer, took over as CEO.


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Consumer goods


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