CelebrityNetWorth is a website which reports estimates of the total assets and financial activities of celebrities. It is operated by Corte Lodato LLC, founded by CEO Brian Warner in 2008.
The site has been criticized for a lack of transparency for its calculations, with no way to verify the accuracy of the figures. Most content is written by freelance writers, rather than journalists or computer scientists that analyze data.
CelebrityNetWorth creates web pages that list a celebrity's name, a short biography, and estimates of net worth and salary. The site claims to calculate net worth based on "a proprietary algorithm" based on publicly available information, although, according to The New York Times, there are no computer scientists in their employment. Warner has said of their estimates that "If we end up too far off, there is always some kind of backlash. There have been a handful of cases when we’ve been proved to be off, and we’ve corrected it." The site also provides news articles on financial transactions of celebrities such as the purchase of a home or lawsuits, which are written by freelancers.
CelebrityNetWorth also creates lists ranking wealthy individuals based upon their wealth. In 2012, the company compiled a list of the 25 richest people in history, adjusted for inflation, naming King Mansa Musa of the Mali Empire at the top of the list. That same year, it created a list of the world's richest DJs, and a survey which named Ringo Starr as the world's richest drummer.