The Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA)
The Association of Profes
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The Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA)


The Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA)

The Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA)

Science and education


The Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA) is a non-profit educational organization of graduate schools of international affairs, with 40 members and 29 affiliates around the world (as of February 2022, two members were on suspension).


Started as a network of American graduate schools in the mid-1970s, APSIA was incorporated in 1989 and grew into an international association, with member and affiliate schools in Asia, Europe, Latin America, and North America. APSIA seeks to "advance international understanding, prosperity, peace, and security through the people and ideas shaped by our schools."

APSIA Schools

The Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs comprises 40 member schools and 27 affiliate member programs. Full members of APSIA have undergone a review process and meet qualifications required for full membership. Affiliate members undergo a similar review process and meet some but not all of the full membership requirements.

Requirements for membership include: commitment to graduate professional training, an educational program of high academic quality, at least three classes graduated from its two year master's degree program, a substantial and demonstrated commitment to the study of international affairs, at least one master's degree program requiring two years of academic coursework to complete, and significant autonomy within a major university.

The member schools of the APSIA are the primary sources of education for international affairs professionals in their respective countries. These schools provide multidisciplinary, policy-oriented, intercultural studies.


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