National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO)
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National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO)


National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO)

National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO)

Politics and Administration


The National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO) has served as the professional membership organization for state finance officers for more than sixty years. NASBO is the instrument through which the states collectively advance state budget practices. As the chief financial advisors to our nation’s governors, NASBO members are active participants in the public policy discussions at the state level. The major functions of the organization consist of research, policy development, education, training, and technical assistance. These are achieved primarily through NASBO’s publications, membership meetings, and training sessions. NASBO is an independent professional and educational association and is also an affiliate of the National Governors Association.


NASBO is a nonpartisan, nonprofit research and educational organization. Each state and territory may designate up to three members. Members are often the directors of state finance departments, the states’ chief budget officers, and their deputies. All staff in the budget offices are associate members. The organization also awards honorary and life memberships. The organization’s Executive Committee is the policy-making body. The Executive Committee consists of the President, the Immediate Past President, the President- Elect, four Standing Committee Chairs, four Regional Directors, two Members- at-Large, and up to two Special Committee Chairs.


Fiscal Survey of States

This survey is published jointly with the National Governors Association twice a year in the spring and fall. Narrative analysis of trends and significant developments on the fiscal condition of the states, along with tabular summaries of state general fund revenues, expenditures, and balances are included in the report. It includes both individual and aggregate totals based on states' responses to a survey conducted by NASBO. The spring survey details governors' proposed budgets while the fall survey details enacted budgets.

State Expenditure Report

This annual report examines spending in the functional areas of state budgets: elementary and secondary education, higher education, public assistance, Medicaid, corrections, transportation, and all other. It also includes data on the State Children’s Health Insurance Program and on revenue sources in state general funds.

Budget Processes in the States

This report is a state-by-state compilation of data on gubernatorial budget authority, budget agency organization and functions, balanced budget requirements and other aspects of the state budget process. It is a significant reference for state budget officers and others interested in the organization and operation of state government.

State Health Expenditure Report

This report provides a perspective of the significance of state health spending within the context of the nation’s provision of personal health care services. As both employers and providers of services, states have felt the demands from rising health care costs. States also have additional expenditures for population health, including an expanded role to protect the public’s safety.

Capital Budgeting in the States

This report provides information on how states approach capital budgeting by covering topics such as preserving facilities, managing the process, setting priorities, and financing projects.

Meetings and awards

NASBO provides numerous training opportunities. The organization has an Annual/Summer Meeting, a Fall Meeting, and a Spring Meeting. These national meetings focus on policy issues, intergovernmental issues, and economic trends. Associate meetings provide an opportunity for budget staff to meet their peers from other states and to engage in an informal exchange on various topics of regional or topic specific interest. NASBO also hosts an annual introductory seminar for new state budget staff. This seminar focuses on budget strategies, current events, ethics and techniques in state budgeting. Each year, NASBO honors state budget office employees at the executive and associate level. The Gloria Timmer award recognizes exceptional performance for those at the executive level within a state budget office. Most often, the recipients of the Gloria Timmer award have been budget directors or deputy budget directors. The George A. Bell award recognizes an associate member of NASBO who, as an employee of a state budget office, has made an exceptional contribution to state budgeting and management. Associate Members are budget analysts, unit supervisors, and other staff. NASBO also recognizes an associate NASBO member in each region for outstanding contributions to public budgeting and management in state government with the following regional awards: John E. Burton Eastern Region Award, J.H. Rester Southern Region Award, Robert M. Armstrong Midwest Region Award, and the Fred W. Links Western Region Award.


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