

Plug Power is a fuel cell company squarely focused on customer productivity – and providing the power to move businesses into the future with cost-effective hydrogen and fuel cell power solutions that increase productivity, lower operating costs and reduce carbon footprints.

At Plug Power this is trail-blazers and risk-takers at heart. The desire to innovate is baked into their DNA. But, it’s more than that. They are a people-first brand, building for the future on the brilliance, dedication and determination of all, together.

Powering Possibilities

Company the established leader in the commercially viable hydrogen and fuel cell market. By a large margin. With their signature solution, GenKey, they offer customers a true turnkey solution that takes the work out of their day-to-day. They are make fuel cell users’ lives easier – empowering innovators as models of efficiency and progress.

But they focused on more than one market. Plug Power is changing the way the world moves by developing industry-leading energy solutions for high growth markets around the world. As the world drives toward electrification, the development of the larger hydrogen economy will play a critical role in the global movement to reduce dependence on carbon-based fuels. They share a common goal to transform the energy landscape in ways that will positively impact the economy, society and environment.


Take place
Take place

Company Persons

President and Chief Executive Officer Plug Power
1 place


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Alena Potapova

Development Director
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