

Utz Brands, Inc. is a manufacturer, marketer, and distributor of snacking products in the United States.

The Company's offerings include salty snacks, including potato chips, pretzels, cheese snacks, veggie snacks, pork skins, pub/party mixes, and other snacks. The Company also sells third-party branded products through its distribution network.

The Company's brands include Power Brands and Foundation Brands. The Power Brands are comprised of Utz, ON THE BORDER, Good Health, Boulder Canyon, Zapp’s, Hawaiian, Golden Flake pork skins, TGIF, Herdez, and TORTIYAHS!. The Foundation Brands include regional snacking brands, such as Golden Flake (excluding pork skins), Tim’s Cascade, Snyder of Berlin, Dirty, Kitchen Cooked, Bachman, and Jax.It operates fifteen facilities located in Pennsylvania, Alabama, Arizona, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, and Washington.

Its products are distributed to grocery, mass, club, convenience, drug, and other retailers.


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In rating
Consumer goods


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