Purecycle Technologies
Purecycle Technologies
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Purecycle Technologies


Purecycle Technologies

Purecycle Technologies

Industry and Production


Purecycle Technologies is engaged in commercializing a purification recycling technology, developed by The Procter & Gamble Company (P&G), for restoring waste polypropylene into resin with near-virgin characteristics, called ultra-pure recycled (UPR) resin.

The Company's process includes two steps: Feed Pre-Processing (Feed PreP) and the use of the technology for purification. The Feed PreP step collects, sorts, and prepares polypropylene waste (feedstock) for purification.

The purification step is a purification recycling process that uses a combination of solvent, temperature, and pressure to return the feedstock to near-virgin condition through a configuration of commercially available equipment and unit operations. It is engaged in building its commercial scale recycling facility (the Ironton Facility), which has a capacity of approximately 107 million pounds/year. Its wholly owned subsidiaries include Ohio LLC, PCT Managed Services LLC and PCTO Holdco, LLC.

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