Altra Industrial Motion
Altra Industrial Motion
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Altra Industrial Motion


Altra Industrial Motion

Altra Industrial Motion

Industry and Production


Altra Industrial Motion is a manufacturer of mechanical power transmission products - brakes, clutches, couplings, and the like. While the products sound automotive to the layman, in fact most Altra products are used on industrial machinery, such as fail-safe brakes for elevators and forklifts, gearboxes on conveyors, heavy duty brakes on mining equipment, clutches for beverage capping equipment, etc.

Altra is the parent company of several power transmission industry brands, including: Ameridrives, Boston Gear, Warner Electric, TB Wood's, Stieber Clutch, Twiflex, Matrix International and Wichita Clutch.

The company is headquartered in Braintree, Massachusetts. In 2019, they recorded sales of $2B USD.


The company was founded in 2004 through the acquisition of the Colfax Power Transmission Group (CPTG) and Kilian Manufacturing by private equity firm Genstar Capital. Which, at the time, consisted of several brands, including Ameridrives, Boston Gear, Formsprag, Marland, Nuttall/Delroyd, Stieber, Warner Electric and Wichita Clutch. Following the foundation, Altra has made several strategic acquisitions, including TB Wood's, Hay Hall (Bibby, Matrix, Twiflex, Huco, and Inertia Dynamics), Svendborg Brakes, Bauer Gear Motor, Guardian Couplings, Lamiflex Couplings, and Bear Linear (now Warner Linear), Kollmorgen Corp, Thomson Linear, Portescap, Jacobs Vehicle Systems.


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