Episcopal SeniorLife Communities
Episcopal SeniorLife Comm
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Episcopal SeniorLife Communities


Episcopal SeniorLife Communities

Episcopal SeniorLife Communities



Episcopal SeniorLife Communities (ESLC) is a faith-based, nonprofit organization offering a full range of compassionate elder care services and senior citizen communities in Rochester, New York. The company supports the elderly and their families at all stages of their life and respects the unique desires, beliefs and values of each person - everything so that people can fulfill the promise of "Life. Inspiration every day."

Founded in 1868 on the basis of the Christian values of the Episcopal Church, their main location in the Episcopal Church House has been taking care of and caring for the needs of their community for over 150 years.

Since then, the company has evolved into SeniorLife episcopal communities dedicated to understanding and responding to individual and community needs. Its adult communities range from self-contained apartments and patio houses, affordable housing and aged care to temporary and rehabilitative care, skilled nursing, specialized memory care and hospice services.

In addition, their unique neighborhood programs promote the health and well-being of older people in the vicinity of their communities by expanding traditional services and allowing older people to age in their chosen location. The company's vision is to create relationships and communities that inspire an active, purposeful and fulfilling life.

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