High Frequency Economics
High Frequency Economics
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High Frequency Economics


High Frequency Economics

High Frequency Economics

Audit and Consulting


High Frequency Economics is an American economic research consultancy founded by Carl B. Weinberg. The firm is located in Valhalla, New York.


Carl Weinberg founded High Frequency Economics in 1988, after leaving Shearson Lehman Brothers, where he served as Senior International Economist. Initially based in Manhattan, the firm moved to Valhalla, NY, in 1996.

At present, High Frequency Economics has 350 clients in 25 countries worldwide.

Carl Weinberg has served as Chief Economist and Managing Director of High Frequency Economics since 1988. The firm announced on June 18, 2012, that effective July 16, 2012, Jim O'Sullivan, formerly Chief Economist of MF Global, would become the new Chief U.S. Economist. Previous Chief U.S. Economists have included David Munro, M. Carey Leahey, and Ian Shepherdson.

On April 14, 2010, Carl Weinberg’s debt restructuring plan for Greece was published in the opinion section of the Wall Street Journal. In it, he proposed a multi-year restructuring agreement similar to those used by banks in the 1980s to avert defaults in Latin America. Specifically, he recommended bundling all of Greece’s bonds scheduled to mature between 2011 and 2019 into “a single, self-amortizing 25-year bond.”

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Chief economist at High Frequency Economics
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