

Wolfe Research is a premier research boutique and affiliated broker-dealer with a commitment to strategic growth. They produce research that they believe is the most objective and distinguished in their sectors, and they deliver their services with intense care and specificity to each of their institutional clients. Currently, Wolfe Analysts cover

over 240 stocks in 28 industry and macro sub-sectors. Wolfe Research does not try to be all things to all clients, but we do aim to be the best at everything we do.

Similar to ISI, Wolfe remains committed to acquiring only the top-ranked senior analysts (nine, currently, and growing) across different industry sectors. Akin to Sanford Bernstein, Wolfe is a mentoring shop striving to develop Rising Star talent (five senior analysts and growing) from within all levels of the firm.


Take place
Take place
In rating
Financial services

Company Persons

Managing director at Wolfe Research
1 place


New York business portal includes a huge directory of organizations operating in New York. Here you can easily find all the necessary information about the company. The organization card contains a full info page with a detailed description of the company's activities, logo, contact details and a link to the organization's official website. The reader can also immediately familiarize himself with the staff of the company, see the latest press releases and news block, and also see what line of the rating the company occupies. The rating of a member of the business portal is calculated based on the number of mentions in the New York news and posted press releases containing information about the organization's activities and its achievements. You can also rise in the rating by publishing vacancies, as well as the number of registered persons. At the same time, company representatives can independently see how many times the company's card has been viewed on, as well as promptly correct the information.
We pay special attention to the multifunctionality of the "Companies" section. For your convenience, there is a search box, as well as an industry heading.
New York Business Portal is always up-to-date database of New York enterprises!
Alena Potapova

Development Director
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