Seaport Global Holdings LLC
Seaport Global Holdings L
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Seaport Global Holdings LLC


Seaport Global Holdings LLC

Seaport Global Holdings LLC

Banks and investments


Seaport Global is a mid-sized, full-service independent investment bank offering advisory, trading and research services in the capital markets. Headquartered in New York and with offices throughout the US and Europe, the company combines extensive knowledge and connections in the energy, industrial, shipping, and chemical/petroleum industries with equity and fixed income sales, trading, and research. The firm's forward-thinking practitioners, drawing on years of experience, have seen the business through many cycles. For customers, this means that they are fully aligned with their interests.


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Company vacancies

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Work experience: From 2 years
Education: Higher education
Work schedule: Full time work day
Salary: contractual
Updated: 4 March

Head organization

Aronson,Johnson & Ortiz
AJO, LP operates as an investment advisory firm. The Firm offers portfolio management, financial planning, security analysis, trading, public accounting, econometrics, and consulting services. AJO ser


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