

MindMaze develops medical grade virtual reality products to stimulate neural recovery. It develops a platform to build intuitive human machine interfaces combining VR, computer graphics, brain imaging, and neuroscience.

MindMaze offers MindMotionPRO, which provides patients with engaging and motivational virtual reality rehabilitation programs

that support their recovery goals enabling them to follow a personalized exercise regimen prescribed by the rehabilitation expert. It promotes the ability of clinicians to design and personalize the dose and modality of a range of therapies and provides hospitals with the ability to optimize the delivery of rehabilitation therapy.

MindMaze’s technology includes user interfaces, including a lightweight wearable head mounted display and 3D motion capture cameras that offer VR, gesture, and multiple object/user recognition and augmented reality capabilities, and medical grade technology enables new applications in gaming, brain machine control, and healthcare. It also offers motion capture technology and analysis, immersive virtual reality, and neurophysiological measurements and analysis solutions.

Tej Tadi founded MindMaze on May 24, 2012. Its headquarters is in Lausanne in Switzerland with additional locations in Zürich and Ecublens in the same country and San Francisco in California in the United States.


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