Allianz Global Investors
Allianz Global Investors
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Allianz Global Investors


Allianz Global Investors

Allianz Global Investors

Banks and investments


Allianz Global Investors (commonly called AllianzGI or AGI), is a global investment management firm with offices in over 20 locations worldwide. Employing nearly 3,000 it manages over EUR 500 billion in assets on behalf of institutional and retail clients. It is owned by global financial services group, Allianz.


Allianz first created a separate asset management business in 1998 under the leadership of board member, Joachim Faber. Through a combination of asset management acquisitions as well as acquisitions of other businesses that had asset management units, Allianz established a large asset management division comprising different investment ‘boutiques’.

By 2010 the Allianz asset management division, going under the name of Allianz Global Investors by then had reached EUR 1500bn. In 2011, a decision was taken to combine most of the different investment managers into a globally integrated asset manager; from 2012 Allianz moved to what they call a “two pillar” model where Allianz Global Investors and PIMCO operate separately from each other despite common ownership.

When Allianz Global Investors was established as an integrated asset manager in 2012, it was managing EUR 279bn in assets. By March 2019, assets under management were EUR 535bn; these assets were split between investments in equity (25%), fixed income (35%), multi asset (26%) and alternatives (14%).


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