Bowie State University (BSU)
Bowie State University (B
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Bowie State University (BSU)


Bowie State University (BSU)

Bowie State University (BSU)

Science and education


Bowie State University (BSU) is a public historically black university in Prince George's County, Maryland, north of Bowie. It is part of the University System of Maryland. Founded in 1865, Bowie State is Maryland's oldest historically black university and one of the ten oldest in the country.

Bowie State is a member-school of the Thurgood Marshall College Fund.

BSU has 22 undergraduate majors, 19 master's programs, two doctoral programs, and 14 certificate programs in disciplines as diverse as computer science, education, human resource development, organizational communication, and nursing. In partnership with the University of Maryland University College, it became the first historically black university to include overseas studies. It was also the first university in the nation to offer a bachelor's degree in pedology.

The university is home to The Maryland Center, a not-for-profit organization founded in 1998 providing community services. In partnership with the federal General Services Administration, the campus hosts the Bowie State University Telecommuting Center.

Bowie State University offers an honors program for academically talented and ambitious undergraduate students.


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