Carthage Area Hospital
Carthage Area Hospital
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Carthage Area Hospital


Carthage Area Hospital

Carthage Area Hospital

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Carthage Area Hospital (CAH) was established as a not-for-profit 501 (c) (3) rural community hospital in 1965.The facility is a 25-bed Critical Access Hospital that serves approximately 83,000 residents living in Jefferson, northern Lewis and southern St. Lawrence Counties.

The Hospital is proud to serve both civilian and military personnel and their families at Fort Drum. Carthage Area Hospital continues efforts to expand and improve needed healthcare services and technologies for our dedicated warriors in the 10th Mountain Division and the Carthage & surrounding communities.

Our motto “The Place for Personal Care,” is our commitment to the community that we will provide compassionate, personalized, high quality healthcare in partnership with local communities.


Carthage, servicing and located in Jefferson County, is a 25-bed teaching hospital. They opened in 1965. Their expansions in 1995 and 2007 resulted in the hospital becoming "one of the largest employers within the area." Planning for another expansion began in 2018. U.S. News & World Report's overview of hospital described is as "a general medical and surgical facility" (it doesn't handle specialty areas such as Bariatric/Weight Control Services or Addiction Treatment Services).

In 2014 the hospital had a financial setback, and they laid off 20 percent of their workforce. In 2013 they opened Meadowbrook Terrace, an assisted living facility.



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