BronxCare Health System
BronxCare Health System
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BronxCare Health System


BronxCare Health System

BronxCare Health System

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The BronxCare Health System, previously known as "Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center," is a hospital in the Bronx, New York City. It was founded as the Lebanon Hospital by Jonas Weil in 1890. In 1962, Lebanon Hospital merged with Bronx Hospital, and since 2016 the combined center has served as a teaching hospital for Mount Sinai School of Medicine.


Lebanon Hospital, 1893
"Lebanon Hospital" redirects here. For hospitals in Lebanon, see List of hospitals in Lebanon.
The current hospital center owes its origins to the immigration of European Jews in the late 19th century that caused an even greater strain on the area's hospitals. Jonas Weil, after a poor experience in trying to obtain treatment for a friend decided to look for a solution to this problem. The first step in this process was the creation of the Lebanon Hospital Association via his own donation of $10,175. Further monies followed from others, and the Lebanon Hospital was chartered in 1890 and opened in 1893 at the corner of Westchester Avenue and 151st Street. A nursing school was added in 1894, and several expansions followed that coincided with continued population growth in the region.

Finally, Lebanon Hospital moved to a newer building on Grand Concourse at Mount Eden Parkway in 1946.[3][4] During World War II, it had served as "the Army's Bronx Area Station Hospital."


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