Bassett Healthcare Network
Bassett Healthcare Networ
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Bassett Healthcare Network


Bassett Healthcare Network

Bassett Healthcare Network

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In the Bassett Healthcare Network, we are committed to helping the population we serve and our communities achieve optimum health and enjoy the best quality of life possible. We accomplish this through an innovative and unique health care system that connects comprehensive care and services to people living throughout Central New York.  

The hub of our network is Bassett Medical Center in Cooperstown, which, in addition to traditional hospital-based care such as a birthing center and inpatient medical and surgical care, also offers sophisticated outpatient diagnostic and treatment capabilities.

Bassett Medical Center is where people in the region come for advanced care, such as: open-heart surgery, daVinci robot-assisted surgery, specialized cancer treatment, advanced vascular care, trauma care, neurosurgery, and advanced orthopedic and spine care. This nationally recognized tertiary care hospital houses the Bassett Heart Care Institute and the Bassett Cancer Institute.

The Bassett Medical Group is comprised of a full-time, salaried staff numbering more than 400 physicians and other advanced practice clinicians who provide primary and specialty care at the Bassett Clinic and staff Bassett Medical Center in Cooperstown. In the region, the Bassett Medical Group also staffs over two dozen community-based primary care centers throughout eight counties. Bassett’s school-based health centers across four counties provide medical, mental health, and preventive dental care to children who might otherwise never have the chance to receive this care.

Our network also connects people in the region to a multitude of specialists who provide technical expertise and skills in areas typically found only in big cities. Many of these specialists travel to see patients at Bassett affiliated community hospitals as well as at specialty campuses in Herkimer, Oneonta, and Hartwick Seminary. The specialty services offered range from cardiology, cancer, and orthopedic care to ear, nose and throat, vascular care, dermatology, and more. In addition, a variety of outpatient diagnostic and surgical procedures are available on these specialty campuses as a convenience to patients. Our clinicians and care teams in Cooperstown and in the region, in combination with the network’s community-based health centers, provide care to thousands of people every year.

In addition to Bassett Medical Center, Bassett Healthcare Network has four area community hospitals: Cobleskill Regional Hospital, O’Connor Hospital in Delhi, Little Falls Hospital, and A.O. Fox Hospital in Oneonta provide acute inpatient care and 24-7 emergency care. These hospitals also have the latest in diagnostic equipment such as MRI and CAT scan units. A fifth hospital, A.O. Fox Hospital - Tri-Town Campus in Sidney provides emergency care as well as laboratory and radiology services. A number of Bassett specialists see patients at the specialty services clinic on the Tri-Town campus.

We are also well-positioned to take care of the continuum of care needs for the population served by Bassett Healthcare Network. Beyond hospital-based care and the outpatient care provided in the regional health centers, our network also includes At Home Care, an entity that provides services such as nursing and physical therapy for people in their home. First Community Care of Bassett is a medical supply company that provides medical equipment, supplies, and prescription treatments, such as the oxygen needed by many individuals utilizing home-based care.

Should a community resident need short-stay rehabilitation, the Bassett Healthcare Network offers services at the A.O. Fox Nursing Home in Oneonta, Cobleskill Regional Hospital, Little Falls Hospital, O’Connor Hospital in Delhi, and at Valley Health Services (VHS) in Herkimer. Long-term care services are available at the A.O. Fox Nursing Home and at VHS - which also offers seniors the opportunity to retain their independence as long as possible at Valley Residential Services, Herkimer County’s only assisted-living facility.

As a teaching hospital and medical school campus affiliated with Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons, and through a nationally renowned Research Institute, Bassett is continually advancing its missions of patient care, teaching and research, always anticipating and developing to meet the evolving needs of the people and communities in the region we serve.

In keeping with the direction of health care today, Bassett maintains a strong commitment to population and community health improvement. The Bassett Research Institute’s Center for Rural Community Health and New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health (NYCAMH) conducts clinical research and population studies, as well as provide assessment of health services, occupational challenges, and other public health issues.


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President & CEO, Maimonides Medical Center
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