Genco Shipping & Trading
Genco Shipping & Trading
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Genco Shipping & Trading


Genco Shipping & Trading

Genco Shipping & Trading

Auto and Transport


Genco Shipping & Trading is a provider of international seaborne drybulk transportation services. The Company transports iron ore, coal, grain, steel products and other drybulk cargoes along worldwide shipping routes through the ownership and operation of drybulk carrier vessels.

Its wholly owned modern and diverse fleet of dry cargo vessels consists of Capesize, Ultramax and Supramax vessels that provide a link in international trade. Its fleet consists of approximately 44 drybulk carriers, including 17 Capesize drybulk carriers, 15 Ultramax drybulk carriers, and 12 Supramax drybulk carriers with an aggregate carrying capacity of approximately 4,636,000 deadweight tons (dwt).

The Company's vessels include Baltic Bear, Baltic Hornet, Baltic Lion, Baltic Wolf, Genco Aquitaine, Genco Augustus, Genco Bourgogne, Genco Liberty, Genco Picardy and Genco Vigilant.


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Auto and Transport


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