

Kronos Worldwide, Inc. (Kronos) is a producer and marketer of titanium dioxide pigments (TiO2), a base industrial product used in a range of applications.

The Company, along with its distributors and agents, sells and provides technical services for its products with sales in Europe, North America and the Asia Pacific region. It offers its customers a portfolio of products that include TiO2 pigment grades under the Kronos brand, which provides a range of performance properties.

he Company offers its products to domestic and international paint, plastics, decorative laminate and paper manufacturers. It ships TiO2 to its customers in either a powder or slurry form through rail, truck or ocean carrier. The Company and its agents and distributors sell its products in three end-use markets, including coatings, plastics and paper. It produces TiO2 in two crystalline forms, which include rutile and anatase.


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NL Industries
NL Industries is a lead smelting company currently based in Houston, Texas. National Lead was one of the 12 original stocks included in the Dow Jones Industrial Average at the time


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