Broadway Housing Communities
Broadway Housing Communit
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Broadway Housing Communities


Broadway Housing Communities

Broadway Housing Communities

The property


Broadway Housing Communities is a New York City-based nonprofit housing developer committed to providing innovative permanent housing for individuals and families in greatest need.

Broadway Housing, founded in 1983, provides approximately 300 assisted housing units in Washington Heights and West Harlem. Their supportive housing model combines permanent low-income housing with services designed to meet the needs of residents and enable them to live independently.

A hallmark of Broadway Housing's supportive housing model is the integration of community-based art and culture into the many support services the company provides, including medical and mental health care, job training and employment, drug treatment, benefit counselling, education and assistance. with independent living skills. The company also provides enhanced services to resident families, including high-quality early childhood education, mentoring for school-aged children, and educational advocacy on behalf of both children and parents.


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