Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo
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Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo


Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo

Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo

Financial services


Since 1919, the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo has been committed to helping individuals, families and organizations make their charitable goals a reality. Today, we work with more than 400 active clients and are carrying on the legacies of an additional 500 clients. In total, we have more than $750 million in charitable assets.

Every individual, couple and family possess distinct values and wishes that drive their charitable goals. Our clients choose to work with us because of the customization and flexibility we provide, our sound management of charitable assets and our deep knowledge of the Western New York community. Some clients come to us knowing exactly what organizations and causes they want to support, while others utilize our team and experience to guide them as they establish a charitable legacy. Either way we have the expertise to help you make an impact today, tomorrow and forever.

Higher Standards

The Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo is accredited by the National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations® for operational quality, client service and accountability in the community foundation sector, which confirms that we have met “the most rigorous standards in philanthropy.”

Charity Navigator Rating

With more than 1.5 million American charities, Charity Navigator aims to accentuate the work of efficient and transparent organizations. The Community Foundation was recently awarded the highly-coveted 4-star rating for demonstrating strong financial health and commitment to accountability and transparency. This is the fifth time we have received the highest possible rating that indicates that we adhere to sector best practices and that we execute our mission in a financially efficient way. Only 18% of the charities that Charity Navigator evaluates have received at least five consecutive 4-star evaluations, indicating that we outperform most other charities in America.

The nonprofit sector is advancing and expanding. Astute donors are yearning for greater accountability, transparency, and for concrete results from us. The intent of this star rating is to give donors greater confidence in the charitable decisions that they make.

  • For executing Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo’s mission in a financially efficient way
  • For demonstrating trustworthiness, strong financial health, concrete results and commitment to accountability and transparency
  • For exceeding industry standards and outperforming other charities in the region


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In rating
Financial services

Company Persons

Senior Director, Policy and Strategic Partnerships, at the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo
1 place


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Alena Potapova

Development Director
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