Fuqua School of Business
Fuqua School of Business
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Fuqua School of Business


Fuqua School of Business

Fuqua School of Business

Science and education


Fuqua School of Business is the business school of Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. It enrolls more than 1,300 students in degree-seeking programs. Duke Executive Education also offers non-degree business education and professional development programs. Its MBA program was ranked the 9th best business school in the US by The Economist in 2019, and 4th in the US by The Financial Times in 2021. Fuqua is also currently ranked 6th for having the lowest acceptance rate and 10th for having the highest application yield (percentage that matriculated after being accepted) across the top 50 MBA programs in the US.


Formed in 1969, the Graduate School of Business Administration enrolled its first class of 20 students in 1970. In 1974, Thomas F. Keller, a 1953 Duke graduate, became the graduate school's new dean. In three years, Keller's capital campaign raised $24 million, $10 million of which came from businessman and philanthropist J.B. Fuqua. The graduate school's name was then changed to The Fuqua School of Business.

J.B. Fuqua was raised by his grandparents on a tobacco farm in Prince Edward County, Virginia. Fuqua began his relationship with Duke University when he borrowed books by mail from the Duke library. J.B. Fuqua's cumulative giving to Duke was nearly $40 million at the time of his death on April 5, 2006.

In September 2008, Fuqua launched an expansion initiative to establish offices in St. Petersburg, Russia; Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Shanghai/Kunshan, China; New Delhi, India; and London, England.

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