Women Presidents’ Organization (WPO)
Women Presidents’ Organiz
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Women Presidents’ Organization (WPO)


Women Presidents’ Organization (WPO)

Women Presidents’ Organization (WPO)

Politics and Administration


Women Presidents’ Organization, Inc. (WPO) is a nonprofit membership organization for women presidents of multimillion-dollar companies. The members of the WPO take part in professionally facilitated peer advisory groups in order to bring the “genius out of the group” and accelerate the growth of their businesses.

WPO's Mission

The organization was formed to improve business conditions for women entrepreneurs, and to promote the acceptance and advancement of women entrepreneurs in all industries.

The WPO is the premier membership organization for women presidents, CEOs, and managing directors of privately held multimillion-dollar companies. Through global, confidential, and collaborative peer-learning groups, the WPO accelerates business growth, enhances competitiveness, and promotes economic security. It is the ultimate destination for successful women entrepreneurs.

How Chapters Are Organized

In chapters composed of approximately 20 accomplished women entrepreneurs, women presidents from diverse industries and backgrounds address business concerns in a roundtable format and function as an informal board of directors for their businesses. There are currently 142 chapters in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Peru, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, South Africa, and Australia.

Chapters are moderated by professionally trained facilitators called Chapter Chairs, all of whom own their own businesses. Each chapter serves as a peer advisory group based on the four Cs of the WPO: Collaboration, Confidentiality, Commitment, and Connections. WPO members address both strategic and operational issues focusing on financial concerns, organizational development, hiring and firing, and other issues defined by chapter members.

WPO Sponsors

The WPO is supported by a group of corporate sponsors that is committed to the role women presidents play in the business community.

WPO Partners

The WPO has several strategic and media partnerships.

Board of Directors / Advisory Board

The WPO has assembled a dynamic and accomplished group of individuals to serve on the Board of Directors and the Advisory Council, offering the potential to increase opportunities available to WPO membership and to grow the WPO as an organization.

WPO Staff

The WPO staff is dedicated to pursuing the vision of the organization as the ultimate affiliation for successful women entrepreneurs worldwide.

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