





Fuseproject is an industrial design and branding firm. Founded in 1999 by designer Yves Béhar, the company works across an array of industries including beauty and fashion, furniture and technology and is based in San Francisco and New York City.


In July 2012, Fuseproject began raising funds on Kickstarter for an open source game console called OUYA, that uses the Android 4.1 operating system, to encourage smaller developers to design games for the platform.

In 2014, BlueFocus Communication Group, the biggest agency network in China, acquired Fuseproject in hopes to enter the US market.

In 2017, Fuseproject made international news with their design project with Juicero, for the Juicero juicer. The juicer was known for limited functionality and high price, designed with known limitations for the user - putting Fuseproject's design reputation on the line.

Awards and recognition

Fuseproject work has appeared in various publications, including The New York Times, BusinessWeek, Fast Company, Adweek, I.D., and Entrepreneur magazine.

Fuseproject has received more than 50 awards, from Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA)/BusinessWeek Industrial Design Excellence Awards (2006), Red Dot design awards, I.D. magazine awards and If Industrie Hannover. Fuseproject was listed 2nd best design firm by BusinessWeek in 2004. Founder and principal designer Yves Béhar was the recipient of the National Design Award for industrial design, awarded by the Cooper–Hewitt, National Design Museum.

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