- 1. Career

Co-Chief executive officer at Salesforce
Organization: Salesforce
Profession: Co-Chief Executive Officer
Bret Taylor is an American computer programmer and entrepreneur. He was the co-creator of Google Maps and the Google Maps API. Taylor left Google in June 2007 to join venture capital firm Benchmark Capital as an entrepreneur-in-residence, where he and a few other Google employees, founded the social network web site FriendFeed. Taylor was the CEO of FriendFeed until August 2009, when the company was acquired by Facebook for an estimated $50 million. Taylor was the CTO of Facebook until the summer of 2012, when he left to start his own company.
aylor also co-wrote the Tornado web server. The software was created at FriendFeed and was open-sourced after FriendFeed was acquired by Facebook in 2009.
Taylor attended Stanford University, where he earned his bachelor's degree (2002) and master's degree (2003) in computer science.
On June 15, 2012, Taylor announced his plans to leave Facebook to start a new company. On July 30, 2013, Quip announced he was a founder.
On July 5, 2016, Twitter announced that Taylor was appointed to their board of directors.
On August 26, 2016 Quip was acquired by Salesforce.com and on November 21, 2017, Taylor was named president and chief product officer at Salesforce.
On December 12, 2019, Taylor was named president and chief operating officer at Salesforce.com
On November 30, 2021, Taylor was named Vice-Chair and Co-CEO at Salesforce.com.