





Heliogen is a renewable energy technology company. The Company is engaged in developing a modular, artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled concentrated solar power plant that uses an array of mirrors to reflect sunlight and capture, concentrate and convert it into energy on demand.

Its three business lines include HelioHeat, HelioPower and HelioFuel. The Company’s HelioHeat is focused on production of heat for use in industrial processes that enabled by the baseline system. HelioHeat plants produces carbon-free heat to support industrial processes.

Its HelioPower, which is focused on baseline system as the foundation, and the addition of a turbine generator system that enable power generation. HelioPower plants delivers the solar thermal energy to a heat engine to produce electrical power near 24/7. The Company’s HelioFuel plants couple a HelioPower plant with an electrolyzer to produce green Hydrogen fuel.

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